17. Mess.

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It's been a week since we landed in Mumbai and are staying in our flat, and Aish has been behaving different from the past two days.

She doesn't speak much, just answers to whatever I ask.

I don't even know whether it's her periods making her do this or not.

Strike that.

I don't even know whether she's on her periods or not. But if that was the case, she would've whined for icecream long back.

Making my way towards our bedroom, where Aish is, I stopped at the door when I heard her speak on the phone.

Yes, I know eavesdropping is bad, but whatever.

"I've hid it under the bed." She said.

"First, I don't know, I'm really scared, Dhri. Second, Riya, I'm not sure about how he would react to this." She said, after a brief pause.

Okay, so she's on a conference call with Riya and Dhriti.

And what is she hiding from me?

Another contract, maybe?

The last time she hid the news about her getting the IMG contract for a whole month, thinking I'd freak out or some stupid reason like that.

"Yeah, I'll see what to do about it. Bye guys." She said, before hanging up.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even listen to anything else other than something she hid under the bed.

Straightening my posture, I opened the door.

Aish saw me and a small smile formed on her face.

I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You fine?" I questioned.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"I doubt that." I said.

"Is it your periods that's making you behave so differently?" I questioned.

An expression of shock and nervousness occupied her face.


"N-no... I-I mean, yeah. Yeah, I'm on my periods. It's my uhm... th-third day." She said, looking everywhere except me.

I knew she was lying but I didn't want to push her. She would eventually tell me, so let me just wait.

I kissed her forehead before saying, "Tell me if you need anything."

"Y-Yeah." She said, giving me a tight smile before slipping out of the room.

When I was sure that I was out of her sight, I slowly closed the bedroom door.

Okay, she said under the bed, so let's just go check there.

Starting from the corners of the bed to the middle of the bed and then to flipping the bed off the cot, I legit searched everywhere for whatever Aish has been hiding, but found nothing.

I pulled the bedsheet off in hope of finding something, but again, found absolutely nothing.

I checked both the bedside tables and their drawers. Yet again, nothing.

Sitting on the edge of the cot, I thought about whatever I heard again.

"I've hid it under the bed."

Wait. Did she mean under the cot?

I checked under the cot. Disappointed that I found nothing, I was about to stand when I saw a paper stuck to the cot.

Carefully, I pulled the paper from under the cot.

Aish, what a dumbfuck you are. It's under the cot, not under the bed.

Getting away from my thoughts, I flipped the paper over to read what it was.

My eyes popped out of my socket.

Did I read it right?

I cross-checked again, and yes, indeed I read it right.

Why would Aish hide such a huge thing from me?

"Abhay! What's all this mess?" Aish shouted.

I turned to look at her with the paper still in my hand.

The minute she noticed the paper in my hand, she turned pale.

"Exactly, Zaisha. What's this mess?" I asked her, showing the paper.

"W-where did you f-find i-it?" She stammered.

"Under the cot." I mumbled.

She remained quiet.

"When were you going to tell me?" I asked her calmly.

Again, she didn't speak.

"Zaisha." I called her out.

She kept looking down.

"ZAISHA!" I shouted.

She jerked her head up in a shot and took a step back.

I've never shouted at her like this.

"You think this is some sort of a joke that you'd hide?" I shouted again.


She fell short of words.

"Why did you hide it from me goddamit?" I shouted, yet again.

"I didn't know how you'd react." She whispered.

I got really pissed at that.

What does she mean?

"That does not give you the fucking right to hide the fact that you're fucking pregnant!"



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