(Not A Chapter) You Pick:2

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Hey guys! So as promised, here is another list you can choose from. ROCKABYE was the song that got the most votes so it was the one I did

Like before, vote on one song (in the comments) and whichever gets the most votes will be the next chapter

Pleas only vote for one song and don't be sad if yours isn't picked. I'm going to try and make them songs that everyone can agree with

So here's the list. Some will be returning from the last one but there will be new ones

Disbelief Papyrus



Power of Neo

Evacuate (song from man on the internet)

Battle against a true hero

Give up every soul

Here we are

So there they are! I hope you like them, why there is more about the others is I need songs for them too. Not just Sans and Frisk, though it is easier to write songs for them

Welp have a great day my little snowflakes and I hope you like this new arrangement of song choosing, it honestly makes my job a little easier and more fun!


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