"Well I'm glad you're here, did you know they don't feed you while you're in the process of about to have a baby? Is it like this in London?"

Gemma and Harry laugh. "I think it's the same everywhere babe, I don't think they'd appreciate you messing up their work space while you're pushing out a baby." She says matter of factly making me huff in annoyance.

After a while, the nurses kept checking how dilated I was before I was told I would be pushing soon. I was way too out of it to even realize Harry at my side, grabbing my hand and caressing my hair while Gemma was on my side as well, scrunching her nose.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry says to her with furrowed brows making me look to Gemma who let out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, birth makes me queasy."

"You has a child like six months ago." Harry retorts but the conversation comes to an end when the nurse asks for a big push and to that, I obey, doing my best and holding it for ten seconds as she asked before I felt the pressure stop.

The room soon went silent as I tried catching my breath. I was expecting for the nurse to tell me to keep pushing once again, but when I open my eyes, I see the nurses surrounding the doctor with a blanket. Soon, sounds of a baby crying was heard through out the room.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." The doctor says, putting the baby on my chest with the blanket for a brief moment. As my eyes landed on her, it was as if I was brought back into reality. I felt hot tears leave my face as Harry let out a laugh, kneeling down to see her better.

Even though she was wet, I could make out the deep crimson color of her lips, her hair was a chestnut color and there were a few curls here and there. I didn't know I was clinging to her until Harry lightly shook my arm to let go of her so the nurse could take her.

"Do you know what her name will be?" I hear Gemma ask. Immediately, Harry and I look to each other. We were so incredibly busy with the kids and the pregnancy to even think of a name.

"I have absolutely no idea," I say truthfully.

"So we've settled on Olivia then?" Harry smirks making me roll my eyes.

"Olivia?" Gemma raises a brow. "He has been obsessed with that name ever since mum told him when we were younger that before she knew he was a boy, she was thinking of naming him Olivia if it was a girl."

"That was a joke." Harry narrows his eyes at his sister.

"I don't think it was." Gemma remarks making me snicker. Suddenly, a name pops in my head.

"What about Amara?" I say making them both look to me, a feeling of uncertainty washing over me. "Or...I don't know. Don't listen to me, I'm on drugs."

"No," Harry chuckles. "It's a good name. Don't think it goes with Olivia though."

"Oh my god, shut up with that name." Gemma groans making Harry flip her off. "Amara is good, oh my God. I can already see Des and her being best friends."

"Hey, if you put our names together it spells out PEARS." I comment with a small giggle making Harry furrow his eyebrows.

"And where do I come in?" He pouts but before I am able to answer, the nurse comes back in with the baby cleaned and wrapped in a blanket. "Are you sure you should hold her? You are heavily under the influence."

"I'll be fine." I say with a smile now sitting up. "I love her, I could cry." She was so beautiful, despite her being born just twenty minutes ago. Her nose scrunches up before she lets out a soft sneeze, her eyes opening up for a brief moment so I am able to see a deep green. "That's not fair, she has your eyes!" I say to both of them.

"Come to think of it, she looks so much like Harry when he first came home from the hospital." Gemma says, smiling down at the baby in my arms, her finger slightly caressing her soft cheek.

"I can't help it that I've got the dominant genes." Harry jokes, fluttering his eyes playfully and flipping his nonexistent long hair back over his shoulder.

After a while, Harry and Gemma were both sitting down on the couch admiring the baby whilst I was on a FaceTime call with my grandmother. "Amara is such a beautiful name," She says. "I was thinking maybe Elizabeth after your mother."

"We should make that her middle name." Harry suggests from the couch.

"Yeah, I like that." I add, smiling at him who's too busy showcasing his dimples to his newborn. "Amara Elizabeth Styles."

"I love it!" She grins. "I can't wait to meet her. I think I hear Eric starting to wake up, I'll give you a call in the morning, alright honey?" After we bid our goodbyes, I finally started to doze off and fall asleep.

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