Chapter 2: Dress Shopping

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*we get to Gina's car*
Gina: damn Nini *laughs*
Nini: What? They deserved it
Gina: I just didn't expect that to come out of you *laughs* you must really hate them.
Nini: I hate them with a burning passion. God they're so annoying
Gina: well let's leave... I swear you'll like shopping better then dealing with them
Nini: Ugh I forgot about that. Take me back to Caswell and Bowen
Gina: Oh my god *rolls eyes*

*we get to the mall*
Nini: Ginaaaaa I don't want tooooo
Gina: Nini please
Nini: Ginaaa
Gina: *I make THE face*
Nini: Noooo *I close my eyes* HA!
Gina: come on let's go! *we get out of the car and walk in*
Nini: Oh my gosh the book store! Can we go?
Gina: *rolls eyes* you are no fun
Nini: Am too!
Gina: Name one thing you do that I would find fun
Nini: Hey! We all have our own definition of fun
Gina: how about after we try on a few dresses and you pick one, we can go to the book store
Nini: A few?!
Gina: Nini....
Nini: Why can't I just grab one and go!
Gina: Well you have to make sure it fits! *we walk in Macy's* oh my god look at this!
Nini: Nice...
Gina: oh my god *rolls eyes*
Nini: I'm sorry I just don't like dresses!
Gina: what color would look good on you... mmmm oh this blue... or ohhhh silver!!?
Nini: GINA! That's so short!
Gina: What!? It still covers everything!
Nini: Barely!
Gina: Here, at least take the silver one and try it on *I hand it to you*
Okay let's see *looks through more dresses*
Nini: Oh look at that green one! It's loose, cover's all of me, and it's ummmm pretty?
Gina: No way... you would look like a frickin Christmas tree
Nini: But- ugh you're mean
Gina: Oh my god! This would look amazing on you *I hand you a red dress*
Nini: Eh I don't know...
Gina: Just try it on! You might like it!
Nini: Fine I'll try it on
Gina: AH YAY! Okay let's go to the fitting rooms *we walk in and I hand you the silver dress 1st* Okay put this on... don't worry, I'll turn around *laughs*
Nini: Oh god *I put on the dress* Okay I'm ready
Gina: Oh god... you need to dress like this more often! What do you think?
Nini: I don't know.... I don't think I look that great
Gina: Ugh fine. Here try this one *I hand you the red one*
Nini: Okay *I change and put on the other one* I'm done

 Here try this one *I hand you the red one*Nini: Okay *I change and put on the other one* I'm done

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Gina: Nini *looks shocked* you look gorgeous. There's no way you could say otherwise.
Nini: I look okay. I need another opinion though.... and I know just who to call *I FaceTime Finnick*
Finnick: Hey Nina! What's up?
Gina: Wait! So he gets to call you Nina and not me?!
Nini: Shut up... he's Finnick he can call me whatever he wants *laughs*
Gina: *rolls eyes and laughs*
Finnick: Oh is Gina there?! Hey Gina!
Gina: Hey! Now tell Nini she looks beautiful!
Finnick: she always does
Gina: Yeah but look what she's wearing *I take the phone and point the camera to Nini*
Nini: It's not that amazing. It's just a dress. I don't look that beaut-
Gina: *mouths* shut up
Gina: seeee
Finnick: Nini seriously. You look amazing. Is this for that party?
Nini: Wow thanks Finny. And yes it's for the dreaded party
Finnick: Gina how do you deal with her?
Gina: no idea
Finnick: Nina you look incredible okay... and your going to have so much fun.
Nini: Yeah fun, a bunch of stupid teens, so so fun
Gina: speaking of crazy Nini, guess what she did today?
Finnick: what?
Gina: she confronted Ricky
Nini: Oh and don't forget about Ej. Their stupidity comes as a package deal.
Gina: *laughs* true
Finnick: what did you say?!
Nini: Long story short, the boys and their stupid friends decided to do a stupid class prank and had to serve detention. Well, Bowen and Caswell never went to serve it after school, so I walked up to them in the parking lot and called them out on it. Then we argued for a while and they just kept being jerks about it and were being rude so Gina took me to the car and we left
Finnick: Damn Nina.
Finnick: stupid boys aside, get that dress... you look amazing
Nini: I guess it's pretty. I really just don't want to go to the stupid party. No offense Gina
Finnick: Nina listen to me, okay? Go. Have. Fun. It'll be terrible if you keep thinking that to yourself. Just tell yourself you going to have fun and you will. Gina will be right there with you. Who cares who's there and just dance your little hearts out.
Gina: what he said.
Nini: Ugh stop being so smart. It means that you're right and that I have to do what you say
Finnick: You know I'm right. Literally, your in psych. You know you can trick your mind into having fun. If not for Gina, then for me.
Gina: hey!
Finnick: shh
Nini: Okay I'll stop being so negative. Only for you though because I know you'll be mad at me if I keep being a little brat *laughs*
Finnick: Thank you Nina. Hey Gina? Keep an eye on her, would you? Make sure she smiles more *laughs*
Nini: *I smile really big* All for you finny!
Finnick: a little for Gina okay?
Nini: But she's making me go to a party!
Nini: I'm sorry!
Finnick: You better be. I'm gonna text Gina and make sure you have fun.
Gina: I don't have your-
Finnick: Nini, give her my number *laughs*
Nini: You got it boss *laughs*
Finnick: Bye Girls! Have fun. You look amazing Nina okay?
Nini: Thanks again. I'll talk to you soon Finny. Bye bye!
Gina: bye!
Finnick: bye! *hangs up*
Gina: I love your brother *laughs*
Nini: So do I. He's the absolute best *laughs*
Gina: so we like this dress?
Nini: Yeah I like. I think it's the one
Gina: yay!! Alright let's go check out!
Nini: Okay
*we buy the dress and walk back outside*
Nini: Are you proud of me? *laughs*
Gina: you have no idea how proud I am of you
Nini: Well I'm happy I could make you proud
Gina: Wanna stay over my house tonight? That way we can get ready together tomorrow? We can swing by your house to get you stuff?
Nini: Yeah sounds good. You know I love a good sleep over
Gina: There's one thing you enjoy that I like! Well that's until you turn it into a book club or something *laughs*
Nini: No, I'd never do that to you *laughs* You ready to go?
Gina: So ready *we drive away*

**Time Skip* Picks up right after Nini and Gina walk away from them in the parking lot earlier*

Ej: What a little brat *laughs* "Oh stop being so irresponsible and doing stupid things blah blah blah blah" God could she be anymore annoying
Ricky: I know right *laughs* why does she care so much anyway?!
Ej: I don't know man. I think she just needs to let loose though. Maybe if she wasn't so stuck up I'd go for her. Like she's amazing to look at but as soon as she opens that mouth- it goes all down hill.
Ricky: Which one? Miss 100 or the other girl?
Ej: Oh miss 100. The other girls hot but not something I'd go for.
Ricky: I don't know... I think both of them are pretty good. I already know a bunch of guys the one girls been with so I wouldn't go for her. As for miss 100, I wouldn't be able to handle her smart ass.
Ej: Right? She thinks she's so much better then everyone because she doesn't fail tests and is a suck up to teachers. But she's hot, don't get me wrong.
Ricky: I don't know about hot *laughs* but if you wanna go for her, you should.
Ej: Oh hell no, I don't think I want that in my life *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* same. Would you drive me home? I have to babysit my stupid 8 year old sister.
Ej: Oooooh sucks to be you *laughs* But yeah I'll drop you off.
Ricky: *laughs* I usually just sit around on my phone while she watches some dumb tv show
Ej: Yeah have fun with that Bowen *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
*They drive to Ricky's*
Ej: *I pull up to your house* Have fun with your sister Ricky
Ricky: Ill try! See ya later man!
Ej: *I drive away*
Ricky: *I walk inside*
Chloe: Ricky?
Ricky: Chloe!! Come here! *I run up and hug you*

Wait, but Ricky just said- huh?!
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.
Nini REALLY doesn't wanna go to the party but Finnick's got her back. Gina's just so happy she's going haha.
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