One: The snow piles up

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"But you didn't even wait for me!" Jimin, Yoongi's best friend, was complaining that Yoongi went home without him yesterday after school.

"Something came up." Yoongi blanked at his long time friend.

" Just tell me next time. " Jimin smiled and pulled Yoongi in for a hug.

Even though Yoongi was a centimeter shorter than Jimin, he still acted like it was an entire foot.

"Now let's go hyung, I need to see Jungkook!"

" Fuck that. "

"Yes please."

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and began his journey through the school hallways.


Yoongi loved math, he was amazing at it.

Everyone in school just figured that he smokes, gets drunk a lot, and slept with every girl in school because of his attitude and fashion.

I'm reality, he was gay.

Yoongi hated being gay, he knew that he could come out to Jimin, but other than that he had nobody.

Yoongi was a little cinnamon roll that needed to be cared for. He was the softest little baby boy, but nobody would ever know that.

Except Jimin.

Yoongi had come out to him three years ago, because he had a crush on the male. Jimin came out to him as bisexual himself, and they started dating in secret.

Along the way, Yoongi didn't feel the same butterflies and sparks he felt at the beginning of their relationship and so he told Jimin.

His best friend had told him the same, and became just best friends again.


Yoongi stared at the male that had called him, Jackson Wang.

"What do you want, Jackson?" He frowned at said male.

"I wanted to see if you would come to a party for Mark's birthday, he is turning 18!"

Mark and Jackson were the only gay couple in the entire school, most people hated their relationship.

Jackson wanted Mark to have an amazing 18th, so he was going around school trying to find as many people who were supportive of their relationship.

Yoongi smiled at Jackson, thinking it was incredibly kind of him to do as a surprise for his boyfriend.

"Jimin and I will be there."

Jackson smiled so big Yoongi was concerned for his jaw, "Thanks Yoongi! Can I have your number to text you the address and details?"

" Hey dad. "

His dad looked at him, "Yoongi, your grade in History dropped again."

" I'm sorry, I'll work harder. "

Yoongi lowered his head, and sat down at the dinner table with the rest of his family.

Yoongi ate his dinner, silently.

"Yoongi. We heard from a little birdie that you. . .don't like women."

Yoongi stared at his plate.

"That bird was on crack."

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