"Lacey hurry up or we're going to be late!" I said knocking on the door of the bathroom she was getting ready in.

"Sorry, sorry I'm coming." She said opening the door and grabbing her stuff. "Ready?" She asked and I nodded. We grabbed our bags and left the house. Her parents had already left for work so there were no goodbyes said. We just made the bus as it pulled up to the driveway and took the short ride to school.

I was in a happy mood for a certain reason which was stupid because the reason is straight people. A certain straight boy to be be exact. Which was stupid because he likes girls.

I hit my head against the back of the bus seat in front of me and groaned.

"What's wrong Alex?" Lacey asked not sounding concerned at all.

"Why do straight people exist?" I asked.

"So there can be little gay boys like you." She mumbled. I sat back and crossed my arms, pouting.

"Sorry Alex. Can't help you on this one." She said patting my shoulder. I sighed and stood up when the bus came to a stop outside the high school.


'I am so bored!!!' I scribbled out on a piece of paper. When Mr. Stanson had his back turned I threw an eraser at the back of Lacey's head. She turned around in her seat and flipped me off. I reached over and handed her the folded paper. She wrote something back and quickly handed it to me.

'Well suck it up. Class is almost over.' I frowned at the back of her head and wrote back.

"First of all, that's rude Lacey. Also, will you still show me him at lunch?' I threw it onto her desk and when Mr. Stanson turned back around I pretended to take notes. Lacey threw it back.

'Yes, I will show you the straight boy at lunch in like 5 minutes.'

'Your telling me I have to suffer for 5 whole minutes thinking about his abs. Or his butt, or face, or body in general.' Lacey looked back and held out her hand. I leaned forward to hand it to her, sitting diagonally in front of me.

"Mr. Littleton, Miss Myers, what are you doing?" I looked up and saw Mr. Stanson looking at us with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

"Oh, uh, Lacey was just writing some of the notes down because I can't really see over Charlotte's head." I said motioning to the freaking tall girl sitting in front of me. Like seriously, I'm just barely 5'8" and you put me behind a girl who's at least 5'11", probably taller.

"Would you like to move up then?" He asked.

"Nope I'm good." I said shaking my head and sitting back in my seat, paper in hand.

"Why don't I read what's on this paper." He said quickly taking it out of my hand and unfolding it.

"I don't think you want to..." I said but it was no use. His face turned red when he looked down at me.

"Oh, um... This isn't the notes Mr. Littleton."

"Okay if you saw this guy you would be thinking the same thing." I said leaning back in my seat.

"I don't think so." He said quietly. "I don't like men. Especially not ones in high school."

"Hey, your loss." I said smirking. Yeah, pretty much everyone knew I was gay. I haven't been beat up or anything yet, so why not show that I am.

"I'm married." He said still talking quietly. The bell rang and I stood up to put on my backpack.

"Good to know." I said patting his shoulder and walking out with Lacey. She burst out laughing and I put my arm around her shoulders.

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