Well Then-

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First of all, I just woke up and everybody is online- Y'all are gonna disappear as soon as I press the Publish button, I already know it- TvT

When I'm awake, dead silence. I fall asleep then wake up and let everyone know I'm alive, "Quick! Get offline! The creature has awoken!"


A Cuphead show

A FNAF movie

What's next, an Undertale documentary?

I'm still waiting for something like this to happen to BATIM- :')

BATIM has books, but does anybody really read anymore? ;-;

Part of me was kinda disappointed with Dreams Come to Life. I thought it would focus on the actual lore of BATIM, but instead the entire book focused on this Buddy kid and had the most random plot twist at the end. Tbh I think the ending was kinda rushed-

Anyways, thanks for coming to my rant session- I'll see myself out the door now XD

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