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Cody tried to ignore the dizziness that was washing over him and starting to become worse, grimacing slightly. Hopefully it was just a sign that he needed to eat or get something to drink and not something worse, the commander not exactly wanting to find out he was getting sick. Though the longer he was standing and walking, the worse the dizzy feeling got. His stomach felt the burning feeling of being sick, nearly gagging at the intensity of the feeling. The feeling was slowly becoming the only thing the commander could feel, the sound a concerned someone unable to be heard. He couldn't even tell who was speaking, knees going weak and bending over as the world went black.

He couldn't remember what exactly happened in the infirmary, slipping in and out of consciousness as tests were done and someone asked questions. The commander wasn't awake long enough to hear the question or even who was asking them. His head felt like it was spinning too much to even focus on anything else, groans of agony slipping out yet only a vibration in his throat, not a sound. It felt like days before he could stay awake, eyes squinting against the painfully bright lights. Cody immediately tried to sit up and instantly was hit with more dizziness, almost throwing up again from how much it felt like the room was turning.

Gently hands gripped his shoulders to push him back onto the bed, the commander's gaze jerking to who was by his bedside. It was Obi Wan, concern written across his facial features. Cody wanted to struggle against laying down but found that the swaying feeling started to fade at the barely comfortable bed underneath him. The Jedi's hands pulled away when the commander stilled completely. A tiny sigh slipped from Obi Wan, sounding relieved. Cody

"What happened?" He managed to mumble out, unable to keep his thoughts off the sudden feeling of being sick. He did nothing that could even cause anything like this, so there was no way that he was the cause of this. For a moment, there was only silence in response to the question, an eventually hesitant throat clearing sounding out. Cody narrowed his eyes when he noticed Obi Wan's classic beard stroke. That was a silent signal that the answer wasn't so simple. It was almost worrying that the Jedi was silent and hesitant to answer.

"One of the tests came back and revealed that there was high traces of poison," Obi Wan started, clearing his throat yet again. "We haven't figured out how the poison entered your system, or how much it's been in put into you." The answer ended with a worried lift in the Jedi's tone. The commander was silent for a moment, trying to process the answer. It didn't exactly make him feel any better, only bringing more questions forward. An alarming thought shot Cody into a sitting position, ignoring the protests from Obi Wan.

"You've got to test the others, it couldn't have been a random occurrence." The commander practically ordered, eyes widening. He shoved away the hands that tried to push him down, the swelling dizziness and nausea not concerned. "Nobody would poison a single commander, sir." He shook his head, concern lacing his voice. He needed to know if his brothers were going to be okay. The thought of the sick feeling he felt being pushed upon anyone else was horrible to think of. It took a while for Obi Wan to finally agree, the Jedi standing and nodding.

"I'll try to put out a proposal about you concerns to the council." Obi Wan promised gently. "Now rest, commander, that's an order." For a moment, Cody stared, trying to tell if his friend was going to stick to the promise or was only saying so to soothe him. The doubt in Obi Wan's word surprised Cody, since the Jedi had never broken his word before. The commander layed back down and watched the Jedi leave the room before slipping back into a much needed sleep.

(God this is longer than I thought.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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