chapter 9: Catch Me If I Fall

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"Is he gonna be okay?" Pansy asked, choking back her tears.

Madam Pomfrey gave her and Blaise a worried look, and began tending to Malfoy.

"IS HE GONNA BE OKAY?!" Zane asked, running into the Hospital Wing.

Dean was with him, holding his hand and looking worried.

Madam Pomfrey scowled at the excess Slytherins, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, "Get out."

They obeyed, and on their way out, they ran into Potter. He was pale and his expression was unreadable.

"What are you doing here?" Blaise's voice spewed venom.

"I..." He blinked, "Is he okay?"

"Thanks to you? Madam Pomfrey won't tell us anything. He might die because of," She threw a punch in his direction, screaming now, "YOU!"

Harry ducked, his eyes full of pain, "I didn't mean to!"

"Not an excuse, Harry." Dean frowned, pulling Zane away.

"I need to see him!" Harry pleaded.

"Why? It's not like you two are friends or anything." Pansy snarled, kicking his shin.

Harry's knee buckled at the impact. His, anger was arising. He spoke through gritted teeth, "We. Are. Friends." With that, he pushed through the group, and into the Hospital Wing. The last thing he heard was the Ravenclaw boy called Zane speak,

"He's probably going to finish him off."


At the sight of seeing Draco's body, Harry was sure he was dead.

"No!" He whispered, shocked. He sprinted to the bed, and rested a hand on Draco's heart, and felt a soft, petering beat.

"S-Stay with me. Y-You'll be okay."

He could mentally hear Draco's perfect voice in his head, "Well, obviously I'll be okay. I AM a Malfoy after all."

Harry slipped his right hand into Draco's left, "It's okay."

Madam Pomfrey saw Harry, and scowled with a seething anger, "Mr. Potter, I advise you leave before I-"

Harry frowned, "I did this to him. I have to be here to see him fixed."

"If I am to heal him I need you gone."

Harry nodded in resentment. He started to pull away when Draco groaned, tightening his grip.

Potter snapped his gaze to the nurse who puffed, "Fine, you can stay."


Draco let out a monstrous yawn, his eyes fluttering open. He glanced around and realized he was in the Hospital Wing. He vaguely remembered falling from his broom.

Malfoy groaned again, rubbing his aching head. His hand got tangled in his hair for a second and he frowned at the fact that his hair was slightly matted. His body was throbbing in pain, and his migraine headache wasn't helping.

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