"I'll just wait out here Tae," my boyfriend said, uncomfortably.

"Nonsense Joonie! Come inside. Jin is in the living room," papa said, indicating for my boyfriend to follow.

I gave him a last look of pleading so he came up to me and held my hand firmly before we entered my family home.

"What's wrong sweetheart? You sounded so distraught on the phone," papa said, still holding me close.

I took a deep breath and faced my parents, as my boyfriend held my hand and looked down sheepishly. I swear, he looked younger than me in that moment. He nodded and squeezed my hand encouragingly.

"Appa, papa, I have something to tell you. Well, we both do and we need your support and mostly your advice." I looked down nervously, when my boyfriend interupted me and spoke.

"Taehyung is pregnant," he announced to my shocked parents.

Appa put down his newspaper while papa instinctively reached out to hold onto him. I knew this was going to be tough but I needed them now more than ever.

I started to tear and their expressions of shock and disbelief, immediately changed to concern.

"Oh my baby," papa gushed and came over to me to hold me close to him. I sobbed in his embrace.

"P-papa...I'm so scared. We didn't plan for this to happen. I don't know what to do." I cried more.

"Joon, maybe it's best if we give them some privacy. Let's go out for a drink," my appa suggested, taking in my boyfriend's harrassed state.

"Yeah....sure. Baby, will you be okay?" He cupped my chin and moved into his embrace and cried softly. He placed small kisses to my head and then my face before he left with my father. "I love you baby. Just call me if you need me."

I nodded and they left.

"He really does love you," my papa observed. "I'm happy for you baby. Come, let's make some hot cocoa and talk about what's happening."

We went into the kitchen and I dried my eyes on a paper napkin while papa took out things for our cocoa.

"I'm scared papa. I don't know if I want this baby. I mean, I'm only an intern and the pressures of my work right now, it's crazy. Then, Namjoon and I are so new and I thought we'd have a lot of time alone together but a baby in this mix right now, I can't see it."

"What does Joonie say? Does he want the baby?"

I smiled. "He's wonderful papa. He wants the baby and he's excited to be a dad but he's also supportive of me if I don't want to keep it. I'm so confused right now."

"It's okay to be scared baby. And I'm happy he's supporting you. Tell me how you want me to help you sweetpea?"

"I guess, you're the only one that can understand me papa. You were so young and you had Jimin and me. What made you keep us?"

My father smiled nostalgically. "I knew I loved my baby from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I was young and completely shocked at my situation. It was unheard of, in my day. But I loved your father so much, it didn't matter to me about my pregnancy."

"So you wanted to have your baby no matter what?"

"Well, yes. I was completely in love and I had other familial issues as you know about Min Jee and my parents. But, in the end, I never once considered aborting my baby. I was determined and I didn't think about consequence or a career. I just knew that my baby was made out of love and it was enough for me. But I understand your point of view angel. No two people have the same situation neither are we the same. You are career oriented and that's fantastic. You don't have to beat yourself up if you don't want to have this child now. Whatever you decide, your father and I, will stand by you. We love you."

"Oh thank you papa. I knew I had to speak to you. You would be the only person to understand me."

I hugged my father close as we sat on the couch together.

"I love you papa. Thank you for understanding and being here for me. I wish I had you while I was growing up too."

"Me too my baby. But we can't change the past, at least we're all together now and we have each other."

"What do you think those two are talking about?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled mischievously.

Papa huffed. "Two idiots if you ask me. They have no idea what we have to go through. They're probably sitting at some bar, drinking and avoiding each other."

We laughed at that image and I kissed my papa on his cheek.

"Papa, why didn't you and appa ever marry?"

"I suppose, we didn't care for societal labels but I secretly wished that he would have at least asked me you know. But he's an idiot and I still love him no matter what."

I smiled at my cute papa as we sipped on our cocoa and he recalled his past with nostalgia, relating to me stories of appa and my boyfriend and their friends. I was much more at ease after that and by the end of the evening, I already knew what my decision would be.



Hey my swties. I'm back with a new direction in this book. Thank you to TinCruz0310 who asked for an update here. I love you 💗

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

The Kissing Booth : Fallout [Completed] ✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu