"...had all kinds of syrup, and he makes them himself! It's the kind of thing that I used to think didn't matter, like whether you bought it from the store or not. But it actually makes a difference. Although it's kind of ironic, because the batter Caleb uses is store-bought."

"What is it with Geminis and cooking," I muttered, more to myself.

Lia gave me a look of confusion. "What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. I'll just miss his cooking."

"God, won't we all."

We came to a sudden stop halfway through the living room, when the witches began filing out of the kitchen. Of course, a tall, lean form was at the forefront of the group, his head turned while he spoke with Caleb and Elaine. He was gesturing with his hands and–God, help me–I was having flashbacks to those same hands on my ass, gripping tightly.

He trailed off when he started to face forward and his eyes locked on mine. He didn't necessarily look surprised, like maybe he'd known I was coming, but shadows were still pooling in his eyes. They flickered down to take in my bare legs and his jaw seemed to be working, in a back-and-forth motion that I wanted to trace with my fingertips.

He had that black coat on, enhancing his allure far more than I wanted to have to handle today, and a casual white button down under it. The fact that I now knew what those muscles felt like was just making it considerably more difficult to tear my gaze away. Well, through the layer of cotton he'd been wearing, anyway. I'd had yet to run my hands over him bare, and now I regretted that thought, because I had encouraged the mental image of the shirtless witch, rippling with physical health.

I looked away, and wanted to kick myself hard for my slip. I'd only just gotten down here and Kai was scrambling my thoughts. And we had an hour left to go. Great.

Caleb was peering at us, but I'd noticed his attention too late to compose my reaction.

"You two still not over it?"

Kai and I simultaneously glanced at him, caught off guard.

"Last night, I mean," he clarified, but there was only one choice event from last night that my brain was willing to focus on right now. "Kai here wouldn't tell me much. But he comes in my house, slamming doors, and I felt like I had a right to know. But then I had more time to think on it, and he didn't need to."

He let out a loud laugh. "Eva, you stole his thunder. Plain and simple. Don't take it personal, sweetheart. He's used to getting the glory on these missions."

My eyebrows shot up at his take on the tense situation between Kai and I. Amusement was definitely painted all over my features now, screwing up my whole be neutral plan, but it didn't matter at the moment. It wasn't like anyone was suspicious of what went on in the guest room upstairs last night.

"Caleb," I said sweetly, purposely throwing Kai a glance. "How'd you read the situation so clearly?"

The coven leader was staring at me with narrowed eyes. I smirked back, getting a bit of a kick out of this. He decided to be angry at me last night, it was only fair I got my fun out of it.

"I have a knack for it," the older Gemini boasted. "And from what I hear, you scared those vampires into oblivion. Literally. Haven't heard anything from my sources around town since last night."

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