9. Home Sweet Home

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Miranda came back a few minutes later, dressed in jeans, a nice blouse, and a warm winter coat. She twirled around. "Is this okay?"

David smiled. She was completely different. Maybe he had jumped the gun by erasing her memory. Every once in awhile, it was possible to meet someone who understood and could handle his secret, wasn't it? "That's perfect. I don't know how you feel, but you look warm."

She grinned. "I feel like an Eskimo."

He arched his brow. "I don't know what that is, but if it's warm, then you're golden."

She laughed at him. "You don't know what an Eskimo is?"

"No. I'm not from this planet, remember?"

"True." She walked up to him and he rose from the couch. "It's just hard to believe that there is other life out there. Whole other planets and races. It's amazing. Since I was a little girl, I've wanted to believe in other worlds. I was a star-gazer."

David smiled warmly at her. "And a dreamer. All children are. I used to dream of walking on other planets myself. Now, look at me." He sighed. "I'm here on another planet. My dream came true, and now yours will too. You're about to put your feet on another world, where everything's different."

Miranda gazed at him thoughtfully. "Are all of the people on Alura as nice as you seem to be?"

"No. Just like humans, we differ. I will let you meet my best friend. We grew up together and we've always been there for each other. He's a part of Division X, just like me."

"I can't wait to meet him."

David took the pocket watch out and ran his thumb across it. "I'm not sure how the trip might affect you, Miranda. I've never taken a human along with me before."

She swallowed nervously. "Will it kill me?"

"I honestly have no idea." He frowned. He had not thought of that possibility before. "Maybe it's best that you just stay here. I don't want you to get hurt. Well, more than I already hurt you."

She smiled. "You didn't hurt me."

"I never wanted to erase your memory. I was just afraid-"

"You already explained," she interrupted. "I forgive you."

David pressed his lips together, his eyes burning into hers. "Thank you."

"Besides, you're making it up to me right now," Miranda told him, "by taking me to Alura."

"You still want to go, even though you have no idea what's going to happen?"

"Of course I do!" she exclaimed. "You can't dangle something like that in front of me and then expect me not to go, just because it might be dangerous."

"It might be fatal," he corrected.

Miranda laid her hand on his arm. "Look, I go after a story every time, no matter how dangerous it is. I've gone after cold-blooded murderers on my own before." She let her hand fall back to her side and shrugged casually. "That's just who I am. Danger is my middle name."

David couldn't help but laugh. "Okay then." He extended his hand to her. "You have to hold onto me. No matter what, don't let go, or there's no telling where you might end up."

She nodded, understanding perfectly. She laid her hand inside of his and their fingers laced together. She glanced up at him. His jaw was set and she could tell he was still worried about what they were about to do. She moved a little closer to him and latched onto his arm with her other hand. He smiled down at her.

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