05 ✟ 𝕰𝖆𝖘𝖞 𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖐

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"Ey Witcher!" Geralt ignored the voice and kept walking to the towns edge. Jaskier had found a new very exciting subject to talk about in the distance, But Geralt had gotten pretty good at tuning him out.

"Wait up!" The man yelled. Geralt snared under his breath. He just needed to get Roach and then he was on his way again. If Jaskier had to run next to a galloping horse to follow Geralt around he probably would.

"I have a job for you!" Now Geralt finally stopped, but he didn't turn.

"Geralt will take it!" Jaskier excitingly stated, ready for new adventures. Geralt scowled to the Bard, before acknowledging the source of the voice.

"There's a monster. I don't know what, but I can hear it every night, and I think it ate one of ma' sheep!" a man with scruffy red hair said. Jaskier tried to withhold a chuckle, which he failed to succeed in. Geralt and the man both slowly turned to the bard that as soon as he met the Witcher's fierce eyes, shut his jaw.

"It's mostly out at night, you could stay at my cabin, Witcher" The man seemed awfully nervous, maybe because of Geralt's look and constant defensive posture, or just the way his fists clenched and flexed at a constant. He took an almost unnoticeable step backwards, and awaited the Witcher's response with pleading eyes.

"Alright. I expect a good hospitality then" Geralt began walking, even though he didn't know where to go. An easy task, hopefully.

Jaskier's face lightened up, and he jolted towards Geralt with a skipping walk- way to jolly for someone who could perhaps be walking his into his own grave.

The ginger man scrambled himself together before hushly leading The Witcher and Bard to his Cabin. It was located just at the edge of Novigrad, windows sparring a view to Hotsch Forest.

Geralt was met with the scent of warm bread and wood, as he entered the cabin. It was tortuous looking, a skew roof with half the tiles missing, and inside old wooden furniture and a small brick stove.

"I- I know this isn't much Witcher, but I hope it will be bearable for the forthcoming days" The man's agitation began to annoy Geralt, so he hummed and went straight to the first open room he saw.

The man luckily got the sign, and left him alone. Jaskier did not. The night was falling upon the town, and despite Geralt's insomnia he was immensely tired, and his body sunk down into the floor, seeping through the cracks. He ripped off his blouse, threw the swords with a clinging sound.

"Geralt! Oh-" jaskier barged in with a sheepish smile, his hand dramatically gesturing as usual, but his eyes widened and smile faded as he saw Geralt, shirtless dumping down onto the bed. A bed half his size.

"You look like you're chiseled out of Marble for the love of Melitele! Though it does not surprise me" Jaskier snorted, fiddling with the bland books on a shelf.

"Leave me alone, Jaskier" Geralt retorted, though he was slightly amused. His eyelids felt like lead, desperate to rest. Yet his thoughts wandered- images flashed every time he tried to close his eyes.

"Now hush Geralt, it doesn't sound like you've missed me at all" Jaskier raised his eyebrows at the Witcher who lazily opened one eye to the bard, who kept his eyes intent on Geralt's.

"Fine, i've missed you. Now can you leave?" Geralt hummed, a small grin formed on his lips.

"Alright then, sweet dreams Geralt" Jaskier left the Witcher to himself, who didn't have the time to throw himself under the covers before he went to a slumber.

Not one that lasted long- for Geralt kept waking from nightmares and thoughts, feeling that gnawing hole in his gut. As if something was missing there.

He twisted and turned, opened and closed his eyes. Nothing worked, not until the exhaustion got to him and his mind finally gave him a rest.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 // 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now