~ The Twins of Destiny ~

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Quirks... Powers that people are born with, started a few decades ago with a baby that gave of a golden glow. Years and years, generation after generation of children are born with a power they awaken at the age of four until 80% of the worlds population is blessed with a quirk. A power.

This was not the case for our two Midoriya twins.

Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, a lovely couple to everyone who saw them, were blessed one fateful night when Inko birthed a pair of lovely, identical twins. The older she named Itsuka, and the younger, Izuku. The parents loved their children with all they could, they were their precious treasures. But each parent had their own reasons for their gift of love...

Years pass and the twins turn four, the age that quirks awaken. Izuku, the younger brother, turned out to be the shy and introverted brother of the pair, he stutters when he tries to talk, and when he does anything wrong or someone gets mad at him he cries a lot, he's a lot like his mother.
Itsuka, the older brother, turned out more like the father. He was confident, he never stuttered and rarely cried, but most important to him was his brother. He saw Izuku as an angel that needed to be protected from the demons of the world. Who ever could've guessed, that the biggest demon lived amongst them.

When the twins were taken to the quirk doctor by their parents, they couldn't stop but jump in excitement. They were excited to become heroes together. Izuku was always interested in heroes, he'd always wanted to become one, and Itsuka saw it as his job to make sure that Izuku did exactly that, fulfill his dream.

"You may as well give it up, your both quirkless."

The doctors words cut deeper than any blade ever could that night. That night. Everything went wrong that night.
When the Midoriya family got home, the father and mother couldn't stop arguing, the father claimed that he could never make offspring as useless as the twins and that it was the wife's fault they turned out this way, while the mother defended them, claiming they were not useless at all.

*little abuse warning*

The father grew so angry with her claims that he hit her, and hit her. He wouldn't stop. Itsuka couldn't take it anymore, this man was making Izuku and mother cry after all. Itsuka with a fire in his eyes stepped between his parents. Upon his refusal to move, Hisashi saw the deep rooted determination in his child's eyes, and smiled.

Hisashi snapped his fingers and a man in a dark cloak appeared. After whispering some words the the man, he stepped to Itsuka and gently knocked him out and proceeded to do the same to Izuku. Once the younger brother was asleep, the man used his quirk on him and the mother and replaced this night's memory with another.
The father got angry and left, taking Itsuka with him.
And when he used his quirk on Itsuka, he replaced the memory with a completely different memory.
Upon returning home, the mother grew intense hatred to the man and Itsuka and hit the man who in defense, took Itsuka and left. Hisashi was Itsuka's hero now.


With Itsuka


Years had passed and Itsuka was now eight. His father being the owner of a large military funding business was able to afford the greatest teachers and tutors for Itsuka. Every single day, even on the weekends, he harshly trained his son, mentally and physically for these past four years. But never once did Itsuka ever question his father, he only did his best, he wanted to be the son his hero of a father deserved.
After the four years of training, his father took him somewhere new. Somewhere scary. There they met a doctor, the same doctor that told Itsuka that he and his brother were quirkless. The man had smiled when Itsuka had entered the room. A few minutes passed and they had placed Itsuka into a large test tube looking device where he was surrounded by strange liquids.

Itsuka remained there for an entire month before he was finally released from the confines of the tube. His father later explained that Itsuka was now in possession of a weaker version of his own quirk.

All for One.

It was then that Itsuka learned his father's true Identity as the Symbol of Evil. It didn't seem to bother Itsuka at all... in fact he looked up to his father even more! His hero. No. His idol. Since that day, Itsuka became deeply interested in villain work, much to his father's enjoyment.

Another year passed and Itsuka was now nine. It was then that his father gave him his first quirks. Itsuka went through immense pain, but came out with two new quirks... two powers... he had a copy of his mother's quirk telekinesis, only it was much much stronger... according to the doctor, this was Itsuka's original quirk. One he was supposed to be born with, but was taken from him, now returned.
The other was a much simpler, though powerful quirk. Razor Monarch. A quirk that granted its owner the ability to grow luminescent butterfly like wings as sharp as a razor. They were colored in accordance to the wielder. For Itsuka, it turned dark green with black highlights. Beautiful.

For the next year, Itsuka's training focused mainly on his quirks until he perfected their use. Through the scars and the pain, Itsuka had made it, and he had impressed his idol along the way... it was time for his final training session. It was time to kill someone... to cement his pathway to becoming
The number one villain.


With Izuku


Poor Izuku. Weak Izuku. Stupid Izuku. Useless Izuku. Useless? Deku. Izuku is Deku...

Izuku was now ten. He had been living his life as an only child, completely unaware that he ever had a brother to begin with. He had been living this sad life of his completely oblivious to his other half that always kept watch over him. He was quirkless, thats all anyone needed to hear to avoid him at all costs.

Izuku was currently going into his last few years of elementary school where he was constantly berated and bullied for his uselessness. It was then that the cereal killings began. An unidentifiable villain was on large, unstoppable killing sprees. No witnesses, ever. Just a flash of green light and then the person was dead.
This villain wasn't given a name since no one knew anything about them. They killed civilians and pros alike, as though they were nothing.

Izuku wouldn't forgive these acts. Villains are the most vile creatures alive. That is what Izuku was raised to believe in, he was going to become a hero. Right? Two years pass and Izuku had just left his elementary school for the last time, it was the end of the school year.

There was a villain on his way home from school and it attacked him, and thats when he met him, the Symbol of Peace. All Might. His idol. No. His hero. Much to his dismay, even his hero said he couldn't become a hero, but all of that changed once the same sludge villain from earlier had escaped and captured his number one bully and previous childhood friend Katsuki Bakugou. In a moment of unsurity, his body moved on its own.
He, the quirkless boy, rushed in without a second thought and was saved once again by All Might. Later on, his hero blessed him with the news that he was going to receive All Might's quirk.

One for All.

Almost a year passes and Izuku's thirteenth birthday is slowly approaching as he finally received the quirk that was promised. Though he could only use 5% constantly without injury, it was enough for him to take the UA Hero exam, save a girl, and pass with flying colors. All while the same time, there was a witness. A survivor. Someone managed to survive the merciless killer.

The killer was on recording from a passerby's GoPro camera that happened to be recording. The appearance of the villain was that of a small man with dark green hair that reminded Izuku greatly of himself. The villain wore a long black trench coat overtop of a black suit and tie with dark green highlights and black dress shoes. The man also wore a pure black gas mask like piece of equipment.
Before the video could capture his appearance any further, the man grew wings. Big, black, green, beautiful wings. They looked like a Monarch Butterfly's wings. That comment from a citizen finally earned the villain his name.

The villain in black with the monarch's wings.

The Shadow Monarch was born.

It was then and there that Izuku decided something. He was going to take down this Monarch no matter the cost, and save countless lives. He was a hero after all.

Raised in Light and Darkness (MHA AU // Villain AU)Where stories live. Discover now