chapter 1

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Walking down the hall like every other day of school is not a very exciting thing, anyway here I come.

     My name is Elena, you can say that am the loner of the school, because I don't have friends and always by my self and oh I always were a hood, so nobody actually know my face like ever, and am pretty tall for a girl and have pure white hair and aqua blue eyes.

    Am an orphan so I don't know my parent people kind of think it is strange because of my hair,         anywhere back to school I always sit in a corner avoiding all the Queen bee and jocks, I always had my headphones with me,so i put them on and wait for the rest of the class to come in, am already ahead of the class so no problem I guess, just then the queen bee came in with her fellow subject,she came up to me with her face stuff with amount of make up I bet she added a few pounds, anywhere she pull me up from my thoughts with her annoying voice,

Hey freek what are doing here aren't you so ugly that you hide your face huh?, they just laugh like she tell them the joke of the year, I didn't reply to her and  that only results to stomp her like a freeking three year old kid ready to shout out at me ,just then the teacher came in saving me her from her wrath, one thing you should not do to me or you would face hell, that is my bracelet because that is the only that I have from who ever drop me at the foster home so never ever,and thank God no body try it yet.


Sorry the chapter was too short I will try and extend it next time hope you enjoy 😊 until next time

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