Chapter : Thirty Eight Guilt

Start from the beginning

I glanced at AK who smiled at me with a carefree wink as he slipped his hand into mine, declaring that we were gonna make a team. The way he masked his worries made me wanna cry out of guilt. Bottling up my emotions, I gulped down the lump and turned away, not meeting his eyes.

Darshan and Jake made a team.

It seemed like Aarav was about to grab Kajal's arm when she skipped over to Vivek without noticing my brother's gesture. Reaching Vivek, she passed him a cheery grin and declared that she and Vivek were gonna be a team.

I noticed a muscle in Aarav's jaw twitch as he marched off and stood beside Apar who didn't seem to mind Aarav's company.

Within no time the teams dispersed off into the woods in different directions.

"Tanya?" Ayushmann called me out and I broke out of my trance.

He was standing at the edge of the woods, waiting for me. Skipping over to him, I began following his steps as he led the way. The sounds of the forest welcomed me and the dry leaves crunched underneath my shoes with every step that I took. The thunderous sea seemed so distant and its waves didn't sound as flamboyant as they did when I witnessed them at the shore.

Should I talk to him about it?

How do I begin?

"AK...?" I started as we continued walking.

"Hmm?" He responded, his back facing me as he walked through the narrow dirt path.

"How's work?" I asked in a nonchalant tone.

JUST GREAT TANYA! Of all possible ways, this is what you came up with, huh? I mentally facepalmed.

"Work...?" Ayushmann asked, throwing me a sideway glance as he continued trekking. He definitely sensed my plans.

"Ugh, fine. I'll just get straight to the point anyway." I said.

AK stopped on his tracks and turned to face me silently. A slight frown emerged on his face as he looked into my eyes. There was dead silence enveloping us with the occasional chirps of birds.

"Why did Bella show up?" I asked.

"She just paid a casual visit," He shrugged. I can't believe how easily he's mastered the trait of lying. I guess he's at advantage considering how acting is what he's been pursuing.

"I talked to Apar," I stated. Ayushmann's face fell as he connected the dots.

"Tanya it's really nothing," AK waved off as he turned and began trekking again.

"What do you mean it's nothing? AK films are your life! You can't just walk away from everything," I said as he walked ahead with quick strides.

No response.

"You're an actor Ayushmann! You can't just let down everybody who looks up to you!" I exclaimed at his figure.

He kept walking away. Sighing, I followed him up and made him face me by turning him around roughly by his arm. He had his eyes shut as if he was trying to avoid this conversation.

"AK you need to stop pushing away everybody," I said softly.

"And what about you?" Ayushmann asked, looking down at me with a frown.

"What?" I asked.

"You're my life, Tanya. Film isn't." AK said as he stepped closer.

"I'm not walking away from anything; I just wanna stay by your side." He added.

"Get a grip Ayushmann!" I exclaimed. That's it, I blurted out my thoughts.

He frowned at my words.

"You need to contact back the directors. You need to get back to the industry," I commanded.

Seemed like something snapped then. AK frowned, turned away and marched off into the woods. Huffing, I followed him angrily.

"Stop worrying over me," I said.

"And do what? Huh?" AK asked and turned to look at me with an annoyed expression. I winced at his tone which was loud and furious.

"Keep it down, Ayushmann...I'm just trying to reach out-" I was saying when he smirked at me.

"What a big favour, Tanya. I seriously owe you big time for trying to reach out to me." AK retorted sarcastically.

Without giving me any time to react, he turned and resumed to trekking. Of all possible things, this was the least I had expected from him. Clenching my jaw, I followed him silently. I noticed how he didn't glance back to check up on me the way he was doing a couple of minutes back. He had somewhat speeded up his steps which made it difficult for me to match his pace.

A few minutes into the forest I began to feel kinda dizzy. Only now that my body is making me realize do I remember that I forgot to take the prescribed pills today while trying to cope up with my messed up thoughts.

Stubborn me however didn't agree to ask for AK's help. Guess what? WRONG MOVE.

"Oh shit..." I cussed in fury when black dots blurred my vision, making me realize that I was fainting out. My head felt heavy and light at the same moment as I pressed my forehead with one hand and leaned against an adjacent tree to support myself.

Things soon turned dark...

Author's Note:-

Hola peeps!

Finally revealed everything up, huh?

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