Chapter : Twenty Seven Announcements

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Chapter : 27

"Tanya, you're ready?" Aarav's muffled voice reached me from the living room as I slipped into my denim jacket and brushed my hair back into a tidy ponytail.

"Just a minute." I yelled back as I picked up my bag. I looked down at the study table where a glass of water had been standing with a packet of pills next to it. Sighing, I took the pill with a grimace. I hate gulping tablets and look how funny it is that now I need to gulp three in a day. Two of them are supplements while one is for my headaches I guess.

Walking out of my room, I passed my twin's room and walked out into the open living cum dining area. Aarav was leaning against the doorway, ear pods stuck into his ears as he swayed his head to the beat. My twin has turned somewhat silent ever since we made that trip to the hospital and the doctor told me about my anemia.

I noticed that Dad was seated on the dining table but he wasn't awake. His head was resting over his laptop and a whole bunch of papers were scattered on the table. I frowned at the sight. Was he working or what?

"Dad's been trying to research on hemolytic anemia as much as he can. Isn't he?" I asked mom who showed up from the kitchen.

" You're mistaking honey. It's work." Mom mumbled.

I gave a wry smile. Now I know where I got the nervous stuttering from. Mom is as bad a liar as I am. Shaking my head, I walked over to Aarav and smacked the side of his head lightly. He opened his eyes and pulled the ear pods out as he headed out silently with me following behind.

Aarav and I climbed into the SUV and he drove it out to the college. Our semester exams were starting today and I don't know how well I'm gonna perform considering the time I've wasted in my headaches and fatigue.

"Ready for the exam?" I asked Aarav who was driving with an impassive look plastered on his face.

"Yeah," He replied and went back to his silent self.

I sighed at his response. I don't want him to be this way. Where did I lose my Aarav? I opened my mouth to tell him to open up to me. To tell him that the way he's acting is driving me sad and worried. To tell him that his silence may seem normal to others but to me, it's speaking volumes.

Alas, my words remained unpronounced as my ringing phone interrupted me. I looked down and it was a call from Ayushmann. I sighed. I am yet to announce about my condition to him and he's completely oblivious of it.

AK: Hey lyricist! How r u?

Tanya: M Fine.

I mentally cussed myself on that reply. How the hell am I fine?

AK: I was kinda worried coz u didn't reply 2 me yesterday night...

Tanya: Was busy studying.

More like busy coping with my pounding head.

AK: That's alright. Do you want a surprise?

I frowned. What surprise does he have for me now?

AK: Meet u at your college ;)

My eyes literally popped out at that. He's gonna show up at our college? How on earth will any student attend the exam when an actor like Ayushmann would show up at the campus?

I tried and kept my calm as I looked out of the window and took a deep breath. Being anxious doesn't suit my health apparently. My phone buzzed once more. It was a notification from one of the social media websites. I frowned at the news article flashing on my phone. It was yet again a picture of that lean girl with AK. They both were seated in an open air café and scratch that off, they were laughing and enjoying one another's company.

You Stole A Heart [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang