Family Reunion

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"Shota, I still have to plan a few more lessons," you protested. The man in question pulled you along by your hand, keeping his grip tight as he lead you down the street. It was the weekend and while you didn't particularly like dressing so casually before going out, he insisted you wear the sundress. He acted like he had a mission and come hell or high water he was going to complete it. He wore a leather jacket and dark jeans, his ensemble as black and dark as normal. It made you look like a giddy college student again.
"You can figure those out later," he stated. You scowled as he pulled you into a breakfast place, pulling you close next to him and his hand sneaking around your waist. "There are some people I want to meet."
"What are you talking about," you sighed.
"(Y/n)," you looked over to a brown haired woman. She was a bit older than Shota and it showed in the gentle smile lines on her face. Green eyes danced over you before those same lines made themselves prominent, a younger boy pulling on the woman's hand. "Oh wow, you look amazing."
"Mia," your eyes widened and she giggled, walking over and hugging you tightly when Shota let go.
"How long has it been? A few years," she hummed. You hugged her back, staring down at the boy. "Kyo, say hi to your cousin."
"Kyo! He got so big," the boy stared up at you, his eyes just as bright as his mother's. He hid behind her leg a bit, eyeing you before looking back up to your aunt.
"Isn't she the zombie lady Aunt Mitsuna complains about," he asked. You flinched a bit as Mia laughed, kneeling down to his height.
"She's your cousin, not a zombie lady," Mia hummed. "You just haven't seen her since you were this big." Mia held her hands in the size of a baby, her eyes warm.
"So I'm related to a hero," he asked. His eyes went wide and he looked up at you again. "But why didn't Aunt Mitsuna say anything?" You glanced to Shota and rubbed your arm. How convenient was this? He let you put the foundation on but when you asked if it was different he just shrugged. He smirked at you, a mischievous look in his eye.
"Did everyone else come," he asked. Your mouth nearly dropped open when Mia nodded and stood up.
"We haven't seen her since her third year in high school, everyone was really surprised when you called," she sang.
"Shota," you looked up at him, the smirk never leaving his face. "What did you do?"
"Your boyfriend spent all day calling everyone," Mia giggled. Your face went red and her giggle turned into a laugh, "He was asking such strange questions before asking if we all wanted to have breakfast with you two. He was so polite about it!" Mia turned to you fully and took your hands, a sad look coming to her face as she held them to her chest, "Mitsuna got angry again didn't she?"
"We should go sit down," Shota patted your back gently, making you jump.
"Who else is here," you asked.
"Almost everyone," Mia tapped her chin, holding onto your hand and leading you through the maze of tables. "Someone else was coming too but they'll be late."
"Why is everyone here," you asked. You glanced at Shota who was looking ahead, only furthering your confusion. You were lead to a large table, only three chairs free and everyone talking to one another with smiles on their faces. Family members you hadn't seen since you were a kid were laughing and joking with one another. They'd look up, give excited cries and hug you before you sat down, shaking hands with Shota and thanking him for the calls he had made.
You sat down by Shota, a menu handed to you and you snapped it open. You set it up to hide your face and you glanced at Shota again. "What the hell is going on," you snapped quietly.
"I asked if they felt some way about you and invited them to breakfast. Simple as that," he deadpanned. Your eyes widened and your face went red as the menu was pulled down. You looked up, your eyes staring back at you and a warm smile spread on the man's face.
"Hey, angel face," your brother chimed. "Haven't seen you since you flew for college!"
"Kaito," you lurched forward and hugged him tightly, the table laughing and Shota joining in with them.
"Who's the guy? Mom set you up with him," he patted your back with a hum. You shook your head and let go, practically beaming. He was the only other one that spoke out against the marriages, ending up unable to do anything once she did the same to him. Only difference was he got to pick from a selection. His wife stood behind him, white hair cascading down the side of her head and a baby in her arms.
"Your mother is actually against it," Shota informed him. That made the table go quiet and you started rubbing the sides of your face nervously.
Kaito stares at Shota for a minute, his temples pulsing as his fingers tapped on the table, "Well, that's not a surprise. She finally did something for herself."
"I do things for myself," you retorted. "I went to college, I moved out, I got the teaching job I wanted."
"I can't believe you got your hero license. I thought you quit on that because of your quirk," you stared at Kaito's wife, Jina. Her eyes were sparkling and she let off a small light as she bounced the baby. Of course Kaito would have vented to her. She was nice when you first met her and she had proven the same throughout her stay in the house.
"Yeah," you chuckled dryly, rubbing the back of your head. "It was kind of an accident. A bunch of recommendations were sent in by a bunch of people."
"Aizawa, right," Kaito sat down across from Shota, grinning.
"You both smile when you're mad," Shota noted.
"Man, I'm sorry you have to deal with this mess," Kaito hummed. "(Y/n)'s been putting up with it for years now."
"She's just young. Doesn't want to lose anyone," Shota stated. Your foot shot out, tapping his shin a bit roughly in response. He smirked and rubbed your arm as if nothing happened.
"You sound like an old man," Kaito sniffed. "How many years you got under you?"
"Thirty," Shots replied. Kaito's wife sat down, Kaito taking the baby from her and holding it out to you.
"His names Toru," he smiled. You blinked, taking the baby and holding him close. The baby cooked while the two kept talking, Jina watching you closely with a large grin on her face.
"He likes you," she giggled. You turned a bit red as the baby grabbed your hair, pulling your attention from his mother down to him. "Your brother hopes he has your quirk, actually. He didn't tell me what it was."
Your face immediately paled and you stared up at her again, "You don't want him to have my quirk."
"Why not," she asked. "How bad could it be? You're a nice girl."
"Who can't go a day without dying. Or eating raw meat straight from the market," you muttered. It was Shota's turn to tap your shin, your head turning to him as he continued to talk to your brother.
"Someone's finally here," Kaito chimed. You frowned a bit before someone hugged you from behind. An arm reached up, grabbed, and you flipped them over your head onto the table, keeping the baby close to your chest as a snarl ripped through you. Shota's eyes were wide and everyone stared for a minute, your dad sprawled on the table in front of you. Laughter erupted, Shota looking to everyone before smirking and shaking his head.
"Someone's jumpy," your father chimed. Your eyes widened and you jumped to your feet, face beet red. He was a big man, not in the stomach but in his muscular build. Even at his age he kept his physic up and he had just become an aged wall of muscle. You'd compare him to All Might as a teen and he'd joke about being your personal All Might. "What? Your hero career giving you paranoia?"
"I'm so sorry," you squeaked as he got to his feet. He hugged you again, your arm wrapping around him and squeezing lightly.
"No new claw marks? You're healing all right," he asked quietly. You looked up at him and slowly nodded. "Good. Now, where's the man that called me?"
Kaito chuckled and took Toru, motioning to Shota, "Right there, old man. And you're not going to believe it."
Shota stood up as you father held his hand out, shaking it firmly, "I know you were on a business trip. I'm sorry if I cut it short."
"I haven't had breakfast with the family for a long time. I'm glad someone actually invited me," you sat back down, staring at the menu and rubbing at your face.

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