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It's all dark, where am I? Am I dead? I guess? What's this place? I feel like I'm floating.

Then the place started to light up, in just a snap, as I looked around all was white. I looked down but I see nothing even my body wasn't there.

All just plain white.

This is horrible, where am I? I don't remember anything. I'm afraid that I'm lost or something in this place that I don't know.

Am I dreaming? Who am I?

"Dear, you're not dreaming," a beautiful voice said. I guess she was a woman. I looked around and there was none but white.

"You're no longer panpriya from now on, you're Lalisa and your wish is granted. You'll be back to earth immediately but you have mission." Mission? Panpriya? Was that my name? But I'm Lalisa now huh?

"Your mission is to protect Jennie Kim from dangers and you have 25 days to make her fall in love with you... but if you fail it, you'll be back from where you belong... with us, up here."
Why sudden my heart beats wildly when I heard Jennie Kim ?

Why do I need to protect her? Why do I need to make her fall in love with me?

I don't understand.

"Now, we have given you powers like a guardian. You can do what you want but use it in good ways."

"But why do I need to do that?! Who's Jennie??" I asked impatiently.

"You'll find out because your heart knows her very well."


I was interrupted by being falling like it was forever!

I was screaming but I just kept falling.

What was happening?

Then it all went black.


I opened my eyes, I was in a room. Geez... it was all white again but there were things here and I could see myself this time, I was lying in bed.

It was a hospital I guess.

I was kinda dizzy and my head hurt a lot. I blinked my eyes few times and toured it around then I saw a girl sleeping with her head leaned on my bed.

I stared at her, she was familiar to me.

"Jennie..." I mumbled unconsciously.

I guess, she's Jennie? She's beautiful and just staring at her makes my heart pound crazily. I want to touch her face, I don't know why.

And I can't still remember anything. Who am I? What am I?

I eagerly moved my hand to touch her, it's so hard, I feel so weak. Then her eyes opened slowly, she sensed that I'm awake.

The girl looked up at me and our eyes met, oh gosh, she's really beautiful. She stood up and started to panic.

"Miss? Are you alright? Oh thank God! I will call the doctor!" Before she could go, I held her hand.

"Jennie," I called her.

She looked at me and frowned "How did you know my name Miss?"

"What happened?" I asked ignoring her question so it's really her, Jennie Kim.

"I hit you by my car, it's an accident. You don't remember?" Jennie said as she leaned slightly to me.

I weakly shook my head "I don't remember anything."

Lalisa: The Guardian Angel[JenLisa]✔️Where stories live. Discover now