[Imagine #1] How they react to you meming and fooling around

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-You have been searching for your girlfriend for a while. It seems like she has disappeared into thin air.

-You believed that until you found her talking with her friends in the common room. There were Hana, Angela and Reinhardt. None of them noticing you standing in the doorway.

-It seems that they were just talking about whatever came to their mind.

-You felt a smirk creeping on your face as you came up with a masterplan. You laughed in your mind like a villain from a cartoon, "Yess, yeeesssh. They shall know my power."

-"Hey, you know I've been looking for you for a while now, Fa REEEEEEEEEE ha."

-Their attention shifted to you immediately. You could see Hana bursting into laughter at the Pepe REEE meme. While Angela and Reinhardt sat there confused, not knowing anything about the meme.

-Fareeha's gaze was sharp as she rose from the armchair. You could feel your doom impending soon if you didn't start running now. You knew your girlfriend didn't like Pepe memes.

-"Haha," you laughed awkwardly as you started backing out of the room as Fareeha started taking steps towards you.

-"See ya!" You started running like a mad man which was being chased by the Hell itself, which actually wasn't far from the truth.

-You could hear Hana cheering after you with your girlfriend's approaching footsteps. At least someone appreciated your meme.

-You were stopped by a body tackling you down.

-"Got you." You felt the chills go down your body.

-Fareeha was holding you down, glaring down at you angrily. You would have melted under her but now wasn't the right situation for it.

-"H-hi?" You awkwardly squeaked, face turning red.

-Fareeha silenced you quickly with her own lips. She dominated you hard.

-"You've been a bad girl, habibi. I need to punish you."

-"Oh, really Fa REEE ha?"

-"You will scream more than REE soon," she whispers heatedly into your ear. 

-You try to swallow the knot formed in your throat as she drags you away with her. Oh, you were going to be so dead after your punishment.


-You watch as your beautiful Korean girlfriend streams TLOU part II, you knew she was nearing a specific sexual scene which would happen in a few minutes.

-Not wanting to waste any time, you silently made your way towards her. 

-She was too occupied with the game to notice you.

-As the sexual scene appeared, you smirked hard. Chat

-"Hun ah~" you moaned lewdly into Hana's ear, trying to get it sound like her name.

-This made Hana's face turn red while the chat exploded. Messages were sent so fast that you weren't able to read them even if you tried hard. You could see a few Lenny faces there and there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

-After this, someone decided to make an emote of you. You had a Lenny face photoshopped over your normal face. This specific emote reappears every time Hana blushes because ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). 

-Even though Hana tries to make it seem like she hates the specific emote by always yelling at the chat to stop. She does laugh secretly at it, but it's not like she would admit it to you. 

Overwatch one-shots and imagines (Overwatch ladies x fem! Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz