Chapter 20: The National Park (Osomatsu v Jyushimatsu)

Start from the beginning

He rushed towards the other figure, vanishing in a blaze of crimson fire as the shockwave from the heat and pressure nearly threw me to the ground. Digging my tired feet into the dirt as much as I could, I braced myself as I saw Satan collide with Azrael, hearing the horrible rend of metal on metal as they stilled for a brief moment before a low chuckle sounded. The noise rolled into a loud howl of laughter as Satan staggered back a few steps, Azrael unmoving.

"Inhabiting a human body for so long has made you weak," Azrael commented, "Your host dies tonight, along with the others."

"A Virtue...killing a priest? Wouldn't that make the big man upstairs mad at you?"

"That human has never been a priest."

"Oh...he didn't like that," Satan rolled his shoulders around, a hand reaching up to his neck, "Not that it matters."

'Osomatsu is going to die if you don't do something.'

This was insane. This was a fight between a Prince of Hell and a Virtue, one of the higher ranks of heavenly hosts. It's something that I had no chance of why was I running towards it?!

My legs moved with purpose, the muscles tired and throbbing from the long run but still finding some kind of hidden strength to keep going as I ran towards the two figures, step by step. My heart raced with adrenaline as fear began to creep into my mind. I was a bystander, someone that had no chance of surviving a clash between the two.

But I didn't want to see either brother die because of me.

Closer and closer, each running step pushing me over the low grass, the moonlight now exposing details of the two figures to me.

Azrael's host...was Jyushimatsu. He stood in long white robes that wrapped around his body in multiple layers, the sleeves flowing down to the grass and completely hiding his arms. I could barely see patterns of yellow and gold throughout the fabric as it wound all around his frame, like a child wrapped in a queen-size bedsheet. His neck and lower face were hidden by the folds, the white fabric molded into a wide loop that rose about seventeen centimeters from his shoulders. There were glittering gold markings across his upper face, forming some kind of runic pattern that I didn't understand, swirling around his eyes and streaking across his forehead and the bridge of his nose. Jyushimatsu's eyes moved from Satan to me as I came closer, his pale eyes locking onto mine.

There were no irises or pupils.

"...and right on time," Satan spoke from my left, drawing my attention to him, "The priest's pet."

I couldn't tell where Osomatsu ended and Satan began. The face was the same as Osomatsu's, but the emotion that it displayed was far removed from what I'd seen him give me. His mouth had completely shed the usual smirk, favoring a wicked sneer that partially revealed slightly sharpened teeth. The dark eyes that once held kindness were now full of rage, the sclera completely black with small glowing pupils of red that seemed to pierce my very soul. His face was marked with burns and red lines that surrounded his left eye, spreading out in a symbol that seemed to mock a dual-halo pierced with spears. The cassock was partially shredded with the pellegrina cast aside and the collar loosened. In his hand was a solid black staff, something that looked to be a mockery of the papal ferula at the top before shifting into a thickened spear towards the bottom...the weapon looking very similar to the glaive that Karamatsu had brought to the fight years ago.

"You know, you're quite cute up close," Satan raised a finger to his chin, leaning in a little as the look in his eyes shifted to a lustful stare, "That's a good look on your face."

His hand reached out towards my head, fingers splayed wide as I was suddenly pulled away, a tight grip wrapping around my left upper arm and yanking me backwards. Flames burst from Satan's fingertips, partially blocked by Azrael's sleeve as he raised it up as a shield between Satan and myself. Quickly taking another step forward, Azrael shifted his arms while letting me go, thrusting both of his hidden hands forward into Satan's chest, sending the Prince sprawling backwards into the treeline across the field.

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