chapter 4

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*Ashton's p.o.v*

I'm sitting here outside the hospital ward with all of the boys waiting for mia to wake up she has lost so much blood she might not wake up for 3 days and the doctor said if harry had found her 5 minutes later it could off been to late I am so pleased that harry dound her when he did and the doctor is npw walking towards omg has she woke up

*Niall's p.o.v*

I see the doctor walking towards us "mr horan" he said I stood up and said "thats me" he said to follow him so I did he lead me to a room and said go in when your ready she is awake she asked for you. I walked in and saw mia laying down on the bead she turns her head and looks at me I walk towards her and give her a hug she starts crying "hey hey whats a matter"

" I want to go home niall with Greg"

" Mia you cant there is no room they have a baby now u know this"

" then I want to go back and live with dad because I cannot be here with you no more because of the hate niall" she is now full on crying should I tell her about dad or not

"look Mia I was going to tell you this sooner bit I didn't" I sigh " dad don't want to speek to you again because of this and the fact that you did it before and also about the whole car accident with mum and Lucy" she just looks at me and crys I get in the bed with her and comfort her we lay like this for about 15 minutes untill she says "Niall do u think the car accaccident was my fult" I was in shock why would she ask me this she new it wasnt her fult " no of corse not Mia dont be so stupid it was the drunk driver who was driving on the wrong side of the road dont you ever think it was your fult ok"

"but I froze I could've moved out the way but.."enough Miasandra enough just shh"

*Mia's p.o.v*(sorry for all the p.o.v changes)

"enough Miasandra enough just shh" he said my full name no one has called me that ever apart from my mum he mist be angry well done mia just make them all angry shut them all out of your life  like you do all the time push them away and be on your own or mabye I should just use them for love and I think I know my first target mr.Ashton irwin

hello peeps hope you like this chaper ir tells you a lot about mia please vote and comment xox

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