chapter 12

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Mia's pov
I walked inside and i see niall playing fifa with louis so i set next to him. When the game finishied i asked to speak to him "sure whays up" "umm can i talk to you in a kore private area please niall" he looked at me funny and got up he must know something is wrong "well whats wrongg this time mia" right heres my chance to tell him evrything that i had sex with 11 of his bandmayes and 2 of his best friends "umm nial" i cant say this i can't umm what do i tell him "well comon mia i need to back to my game"
"Niall i umm had sex with ashton , harry and luke oh and i really like luke" ok ok calm dowm mia stop breathing heavy just calm ok ok i cant next thung i knrow my vision is blurred and ,y legs are going weak

Niall's pov
Im just standing here i see mia faint but i cannot move im in total shock and disappointment i dont know what to do should i be really angry or should i just help i want to bend down and help her and call someone to call an ambulance but im just standing here and i cannot do anything about it.

Luke's pov
I walk towards my bunk so i can charge my phone and i see mia's arm sticking out of the bathroom door i slowly opend the door and i see niall standing there with shock on his face and mia knocked out on the floor "HELP ANYONE CALL AN AMBULANCE HELP" Louis,Liam,Ashton and Harry run into the bathroom liam is straight on the phone Harry was trying to get through to niall whilst me and ashton are on the floor cheaking if mia is alive
The ambulance showed up and took mia into hospital niall started to talk to the paramedics and then we asked him what happend he just walked away from us like we wasnt there
What the fuck has happened

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