[1] - The Hospital

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Hospitals. They're full of sad and happy people and situations- sappy. Some people get saved and some aren't. And some people in waiting rooms don't know what they're waiting for.

Sappy, see?

"Yeah, Bella?"
"Just let me off right here." I pointed at the curb with my finger.

My best friend turned around in the drivers seat to face me. "At the curb?"

I nodded.

"You sure? I'm about to find a parking space right now when we tur-."

"Payton," Ashlynn, my other best friend, interruppted. "Bella might not have parents in the time that you find a space."

"I just thought that we should come in with her. For support, you know?"

"Later. Not now."

Ashlynn turned to face me. "Go. They're waiting for you."

I nodded. "Thanks, Ash. Thanks, Payton."

I grabbed the handle and open the door. I waved back at my friends and then ran through the doors. The waiting room was filled with families. I didn't even want to think about how long they've been waiting. I ran up to the receptionist in the middle of the room. The blonde was typing on her computer when I approached.

"Excuse me. My parents are here, in the hospital."

She looked at me with, sort of a bored look. I bet this job wears you down. "Their names?"

"Elise Knight and Charlie Hems. Um, I got the call about their crash about-."

"30 minutes ago. Yeah, I remember. Let's see..." she typed several characters into her computer. "Here it is. Your mom is in room 38, floor two. You can go visit her now."

I began walking away when I stopped in my tracks and came back.

"Wait, you never told me about my stepdad."

The receptionist bit her lip.
"Um, ki-."


"Isabella, okay. Um. I think that should just keep that to the doctors."


I walk down the halls and rode the elevator up to floor two. People passed me by and they were smiling. Families were being reunited and laughing. I wanted that.

"32, 34, 36- here it is."

I made it to my mom's room. I wonder if she knows. There was no window in the door so I slowly opened the door just a crack to see. I sucked in a breath when I saw.

Mom was attached to a lot of wires and tubes and things that were then connected to machine after machine. According to the heart rate box next to her, her heart was beating at a semi-normal rate. Even I knew that it was too low and I wasn't planning to major in the hospital field.

I dragged the chair in the corner over to the bed and sat down. Taking Mom's hand closer to mine, I kissed it, not liking how cold she felt.

"Mom," I whispered, watching her chest rise and fall slowly. "Can you hear me?"

No response.

I sighed and pressed her hand to my forehead. "Please wake up."

It was a little after, maybe a minute or so, but I know I heard it.


Looking up, I saw her eyes fluttering open and her head slowly turned over to me.

"Bells?" She asked again. Her voice was hoarse, probably from all of the screaming she did during the accident.

I felt a few tears springing forward but I sucked them in, being strong. "Mom, it's me."

"Oh, Bells, my little Bells. Life is a cruel thing, you know."

"You've told me that before."

"And I'm going to keep saying it." Mom's friendly brown eyes stared at me and I felt her squeeze my hand. "Bells, don't be mad at me for saying this but... I'm not going to be able to make it."

My breath caught in my throat and the tears I was holding back made an appearance. I didn't even try to yell at her to not say that, that she was going to make it and everything was going to be okay.

Because Mom always taught me to trust my gut during the hard times. And my gut was telling me that she was at the very end of the being okay line.

"M-mom," I hiccuped, while staring at her. Trying to remember all of her features. "What do I after this?"

She pulled her hand out of my grip and stroked my hair, gently. I closed my eyes savoring the feeling.

"You're going to have to live with your aunt, in California."

My eyes widened. "California?" Across the country?!

She nodded. "With Charlie gon-,"
"You know about Charlie?"
Mom sighed before nodding again. "He didn't make the surgery."

Which explains why he wasn't given a room.


Mom kept stroking my black hair. I got the color from her. My forest eyes, from my unknown father.

"Yes, Bells?"
"So, am I alone now?"

Her stroking faltered before continuing again. "You are never alone, Isabella Mae Knight. People love and adore you and that goes a long way." She grasped my chin, making me look in her eyes.

"I love you, Bells. And you are never going to be alone."

"I'm going to miss you, Mom."

I watched her eyes tear up. "Come here, Bells." I stood up from the chair and leaned down to be encased in her arms.

Arms that I won't ever have an opportunity to be in again.

"Don't worry, Bells. I might not be with you physically but spiritually.... Girl, I'm going to be your personal stalker."

I giggled and she wiped the tears still lingering on my cheeks. Mom stared into my eyes intently before tapping my nose.

"Bells, can you promise me something?"


Her chocolate brown eyes watched me for a moment. "Bells, you're a smart girl. And I know that you're going to be able to have an amazing life and make amazing babies." I felt myself blush and Mom laughed softly. "But I also know that for now, you're going to dewell on this situation. You're going to want to reject every nice person willing to befriend you.

"What I'm asking of you is to not do that. Please just remember that when everyone and everything deserves a chance. And even though your past experiences were horrible, your future will be bright and powerful. So please, Bells. Please promise me that you won't force yourself to be alone."

I stared at her, searching. Searching for anything saying that she didn't really believe that. That she didn't believe I would do that.

And I couldn't find anything. My mom fully believed this and needed this promise.

I took a deep breath before nodding my head. "Yes. Yes, I promise, Mom."

And I meant it. I was going to really try. For my mom.


Happy New Years, everyone!
I hope you sorta/definently liked this chapter. More to come!


Thanks for reading. #2015


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