School Sucks Dick

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I woke up the next day and started to get ready for school. I put on my school uniform and grabbed my backpack out of my trunk and got in the car with Brynn and headed to school. I hate school. I'm always being made fun of or being called "she". We made to school after 20 minutes and I parked my car. I got out the car with Brynn and we headed to our first classes. Me and Brynn don't have the same schedules so I only really see her at lunch during school

At lunch me and Brynn sat down at a table in the back and started talking. "How the hell is someone supposed to eat this, whatever this shit is." Brynn told me. "I think it's supposed to be shepherds pie?" I said in confusion. We decided we would just eat something at home because there was no way I was eating a glob of whatever that is. "Hey faggot come here!" Aw shit really? I ignored them and talked to Brynn. "I said come here you little shit!" I sighed and went over there to Darrin. "What the hell do you want" I asked him. "Well I heard you got kicked out yesterday, even your parents don't care about you, what a shame." I looked at him for a minute then I ran into the bathroom.

When I finally got into the bathroom I got my razor blade out of my phone case and started on my legs. I fucking hate this school so much. Why doesn't Darrin leave me alone goddamnit! I looked at my leg and it was covered in blood, I used some toilet paper in the stall to fix it up so it wouldn't get on my pants. After that I walked out of the bathroom and went back to the cafeteria. As soon as I walked up the bell rang, goddamnit. I said bye to Brynn and went to my next classes.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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