Chapter 36 : Conclusion

Start from the beginning

"A gift," I answered back tightly. "You can leave box to me."

There was a pause in the room.

"Alright. Let's go with that." Mrs. Blades gave me a small smile. "We'll reconvene back in an hour with a team together."

The considerable responsibility that comes with what I agreed to suffocated me, so I quickly rushed out of the room, being the first one to leave.


I quickly hiked my way up the hill in the middle of the night. This hill was the only elevation within a kilometer radius that was taller than the trees surrounding the double story home. The hill would leave me out in the open for while I took the shot, but it was dark enough that if no one concentrates their eyesight towards me, they wouldn't be able to see me and unless they also have a sniper on their side, they won't be able to hit me either.

I set up my rifle as soon I was in position. "I'm in position." I communicated through my earpiece and waited for everyone else to get in place.

There are currently three teams of four people led by Alexander, Victor and Mr. Blades. They would be getting as close to the perimeter as possible without triggering the sensors and being seen.

Mrs. Blades is currently with Emmaline keeping an eye on our target and on all of our teams, making sure everything goes according to plan.

Once I hit my target, the teams will go within the sensors' radius to reach the house. The goal was to infiltrate as quietly as possible. One team will guard the outside while the other two will enter and seize everyone within.

"We're in place." I heard Alexander's voice.

Mr. Blades and Victor also informed us that they were in position as well.

"There are currently two people outside, guarding the front and back doors." Emmaline cautioned since she was keeping track of the movements around the house through the satellite imaging.

I looked through my scope.

The lights on the first floor were off, but on second floor, there was currently one room with the lights on. As for the basement, it was not possible to tell if any of Efren's men were down there or not. The fortunate part was that the light helped me see my target area better.

"We're ready when you are, Vita." I heard Mrs. Blades notify me.

My heart thumping against my rib cages started to pound so hard that I feared it would out break out of my chest. My finger trembled against the trigger as I focused my sight through the scope.

A flash of my bullet piercing Cadence appeared in front of my eyes and I immediately clenched my teeth and took a deep breath. I squeezed my emotions into a small corner and I quickly aimed my rifle towards my target.

As the man guarding the back turned away from the back porch, I quickly fired.

Doubt clouded my mind as I questioned if I hit my target.

"You got it." I heard the confirmation from Mrs. Blades and I expelled my breath deeply, yet silently, in relief.

Concentrating back through my scope, I saw that the man near the area where I shot was starting to stare at the ground where my bullet pierced through. The man stepped closer and crouched to examine the ground then immediately stood. He quickly surveyed through the forest.

"The man guarding the back noticed," I informed the teams.

"If you can make the shot, take it," Mrs. Blades commanded.

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