Claudette Morel and Nea Karlsson Switching Perks

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Claudette Morel 

- As she readied up for her next trial, she checked her perks only to find that she had only Nea's perks equipped. How did that happened? What happened to her perks?! 

- The fog wrapped around her, it was too late; she was stuck with Nea's perks. Balanced landing, urban evasion, and street wise. "Ok, we can do this." Sucking in a deep breath, Claudette looked around as she spawned in the map, Coldwind Farm. 

 - Stalking through the cornfields, she stumbled upon a chest. "Please give me something good.". Moving a blood-stained blanket, a flashlight revealed itself to her. "I can work with this," a smile graced her lips as she looked around; it dropped just as quickly. "I hope everyone is okay.". 

- Urban evasioning through the corn, Claudette spotted a generator. As she started connecting the wires, her mind wandered off to her teammates in the trial. It was her, Meg, David, and Zarina. Without her perk empathy she could only hope that her teammates were safely working on generators. 

- The revving of a chainsaw broke her from her thoughts, as the heartbeat quickly picked up. Pounding against her chest as the chainsaw's noise became louder. Billy was mere steps away from her, as she crouched behind some hay bales. 

- He hobbled around the generator, slamming his foot down on it until sparks flew from it. No matter how many times she faced the killers, Claudette couldn't help but feel her breathing deepen. The heartbeat pounding louder and louder. He was getting closer. 

- Not waiting around to be caught, she made a break for it running from Billy; only to catch his attention and give chase through the trees and corn. 

- Claudette can admit she was never to the best at running around the killer, she was more of a healer to her teammates. But thinking on your feet can save lives. Running up to a hill, Billy revved his chainsaw as a challenge as he approached. 

- Squeezing her eyes shut, Claudette jumped off the hill quickly gaining her footing and sprinting to some hay bales for cover. Billy ran after her, but the trees started to confuse him; he had lost her, and went off to investigate the generator that had blown up.  

- Ragged breathing, she slumped on the ground, "How do you do this Nea?" Thinking out loud, she mentally smiled as the sound of generators being complete rang throughout the air. "Two left, come on we can do this.". 

- As the finally generator lit up, a scream could be heard ringing across the cornfields. "Oh no, Meg!" She couldn't have been far from where Meg got downed. Gripping the flashlight in her hand, she started to run over to Meg. There were still a lot of charges left, she just had to get the timing down. 

- Meg started struggling in his grip, looking at the ever approaching hook just waiting for her. Claudette shot in front of them, catching them both of guard. "Meg! Run!" With that said Claudette shined the flashlight at Billy blinding him. Meg fell from his grasp, using her sprint burst to get away. 

- In the distance, past killer shack Claudette spotted David opening a door as Zarina healed Meg. ''Claudette! Over here!" Zarina called for her, as Billy revved his chainsaw. Her lungs were burning, legs threatening to give out but she kept running without looking back. 

- Sprinting through the exit gates with everyone else, Claudette gave a sigh of relief as she was brought back to the campfire with everyone else. "Hey Nea, are you having any problems with your perks as well?" Nea could only give a puzzled look before the entity's fog engulfed her bringing her into her next trial. 

Nea Karlsson 

- The fog started to accumulate at her feet, sighing Nea knew she was going to be pulled into another trial. Pulling up her perks, she noticed something was off; "Wait, these aren't my perks.". 

- Scowling, she turned to Claudette, "Ey! Claudette, why do I have your perks?!" Claudette could only respond with wide eyes before the fog engulfed her. 

- A chill ran down her back as she spawned in the realm, Ormond. "Oh, just great." Looking around, Nea spotted a generator in a chalet. Keeping alert she started to connect some wires. "Empathy, self-care, and botany knowledge? What am I suppose to do with this?" 

- Well Nea was deep in thought, a scream rang through the trial. "Shit, that sounded like Feng." Looking around she saw Feng's aura as she vaulted over a pallet. "Hold on, I'm comin'!". She broke out into a sprint, following her aura. 

- Catching up she could hear Feng's cries of pain and moaning. Spirit was hot on her trail, until she promptly stopped, Feng not noticing that she was phasing. Nea couldn't think, she sprinted up and grabbed Feng as the Spirit appeared in front of them. 

- Nea screamed in pain as her sword slashed through her arms as Feng stared at disbelief. Quickly snapping out of it Feng made a break for it the other way, Nea doing the same leaving Spirit alone in the snow. 

- Looking behind her, it seems the spirit had disappeared, falling for Adam's diversion. Making a mental note to thank Adam later, Nea made her way to a chest searching for a med-kit to patch up her arm. "Seriously? A toolbox.". 

- Taking a deep breath, she ripped off a piece of her flannel using it as makeshift bandages. She wrapped up her arm and took a second to admire her work. "Not too bad, I guess.". 

- The sound of generators clicking took her attention, as she saw Feng and Bill working on it. Feng giving a smile as she crouched down to help. Connecting the wires together, she couldn't help but shiver as the cold started to creep in making her hands feel numb. 

- As the last generator lit up, a scream came out of nowhere, "Damn it, she's got No One Escapes Death. Feng go look for the totem, Bill get on a door; I'll go get Adam." Looking around she saw he was downed on a hill, she made her way over as a explosion could be heard, NOED was gone. 

- "You saved my life, now it's my turn bud." Nea made quick work with her botany knowledge to patch up Adam enough, allowing him to walk. Making haste to the gates they saw Bill waiting for them, "Where's Feng?" noticing the small girl wasn't there with him; "She got scared out, Spirit couldn't find me, eh?". Nodding, they all passed the barrier and returned to the campfire. 

- "Ey Claudette! You wanna come take your perks back? There good but not for me, thanks though." She could only laugh at Nea's words, "I'm fine with that, here are yours, I don't know how you do it.". They sat together at the fire, enjoying the warmth and company of their fellow survivors. 

A/N: Hiya everyone! I'm so excited to have my first Dead By Daylight imagine done. I'm Mod Hiko, and the sole writer of this book. I'll be taking requests from the comments and from my Tumblr blog, which I will be posting all my headcannons and imagines there and here. My blog is dbdxcuties, feel free to check it out and leave a request! I hope you guys enjoyed my first imagine and here's to a new book! 

~ Mod Hiko 

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