Chapter 34: Next Step

Start from the beginning

"You're a scaredy-cat," Delilah laughed. Raph pouted slightly.

"Just get it over with..."

After a few minutes, Delilah and Donnie were able to get their act together. Donnie turned on the drill and Raph didn't jump. He did, however, tightly squeeze Delilah's hand when Donnie put the drill against the cast.

Within moments, the cast was cut down the middle on the top and taken off of Delilah's ankle. The skin was dry and flakey, which was gross, but Delilah was used to it after having her hand full of broken bones before- literally.

They all took off their goggles after Donnie put the cast on the lab table.

"Okay, you probably already know this, but, ground rules. We'll soak your skin in warm water for 20 minutes twice a day for the first few days. We'll gradually move into using it- start with small, easy movements. And we're going to put on lotion after you clean the area where the cast was. This will keep your skin soft, speed it's healing, and help stop itching," Donnie said. Delilah nodded.

"I have heard that before, but all good," she smiled.

Delilah looked at Raph, who was kneeling next to her with wide eyes. She hugged him.


It was five days before Delilah was able to walk on her ankle. It was nearly three months since she had left the lair, and Donnie had been right- her gait had changed drastically.

She walked with a very bad limp. She let Raph hold her hand to help with balance.

"Where is everyone?" she asked Raph.

"I honestly don't know. Donnie?" Raph asked.

"Probably the living room," Donnie responded from his desk. He stood up and adjusted his glasses. "Want me to go get them?"

"No, it's okay. I want to," Delilah said. Donnie looked at her for a moment before nodding. Raph smiled at her.

"I was going to get us some coffee anyways," Donnie added before leaving the lab, smiling.

"Ready?" Raph asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"Definitely," she said. He gently kissed her forehead. She felt so content in every moment she shared with him.

"Have I mentioned how proud of you I am?" he asked. She blushed.

"No," she said.

"Well, I am so proud of you. You are stronger than I will ever be," Raph smiled.

"I doubt that," Delilah said. "You're just as strong-willed as I am and almost as reckless." Raph chuckled.

"It's just... You've gone through so much and you still come out of it still in one piece- even if you have a few bumps," he said.

Delilah smiled and put a free hand to his face.

"You're such a softie," she said. He leaned into her touch and put his free hand on hers. "But I love you."

"I love you too, Dee," he said. He removed their hands and kissed her forehead. She smiled. "Let's get out there."

"Let us."


In the living room, the TV was playing the second season of "Victorious." Tina and Mick sat on the love seat. Tina wrapped in the arms of her girlfriend.

Casey was sitting on the floor in front of the couch. Dill was giving him a tattoo on his right shoulder blade in multi-colored ink. It was the phrase "All Lives Matter" and the fist that goes with it.

When Donnie walked through the living room to the kitchen, Dill called out to him.

"Hey, Don? Come here?" Dill asked. Donnie was next to them on the couch in a moment.

"What's up?" Don asked, gently putting an arm around their shoulder's so he doesn't mess up their work.

"What do you think?" Dill asked, taking the pen away from Casey's shoulder. Donnie looked and smiled.

"That looks great, love," Donnie smiled, kissing Dill on the forehead before heading to the kitchen.

"Thanks," Dill blushed.

"How's Dee's PT doing?" Tina asked as Donnie reached the kitchen door. He paused and nodded slightly.

"It's doing great- she's a real trooper," Donnie said honestly. "She is a very strong person."

"Trust me, we know," Dill said. "She is strong, but can be reckless."

"And chaotic," Tina agreed. "But we love her."

"Yeah," Dill nodded, finishing up Casey's tattoo. "We do. You're all set, Casey, let me just cover it."

Delilah gripped Raph's hand as they entered the living room. Tina glanced at them.

"Hey Raph, Dee," she said, looking back at the TV. Then it clicked. "Dee!" Tina jumped off the couch and raced over to her friend. Delilah smiled as Tina raced in front of her. Dill was up soon after Tina and arrived just at the same time.

"Are we allowed to hug you?" Tina asked.

"Please do," Delilah smiled. Tina quickly hugged Delilah, smiling. If she smiled any wider, it would break her jaw. Dill hugged both of them, smiling just as wide.

They both let go of her and started asking a thousand questions each. She just chuckled, happy to be on her feet and walking again.


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