Chapter 32: Freddie and Soft Sides

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Delilah woke up at 6:30 the next evening after 19 hours of sleep. Raph had never left her side, only taking cat naps every hour or so.

He didn't see her eyes open. He was on his knees next to the chair, holding her hand tightly in his own. His eyes were closed as he whispered apologies, song lyrics, and all of the ways he knew she would want to obliterate him completely.

She sat there, watching him. When he stopped to take a breath, she moved her hand away from his. He looked up at her, and she realized he had been crying. He seemed relieved to know she was awake but saw that the light was still gone from her eyes.

"I'm sorry... For everything. I know that what I did to you is nowhere near forgivable, so I don't expect you to. I'm just... Glad you're okay," he said. She nodded. He stood up. "I'll tell Donnie you're awake."

"Wait," she said before he left. He was back by her side in a heartbeat.


"Can you... stay for a while first?" He immediately knelt next to her again.

"Yeah. Of course, I can."

"Raph... You were right..." she admitted. Her voice was trembling and was barely a whisper. "I needed control. With everything that I did... I had none..." Raph gently offered his hand for her to take. She didn't take it and he accepted that, putting down his hand.

"When Columbus Place collapsed, I had the shop to control. When Vincent had me close down, I made the bad choice of trying to control you guys. Then I had virtually nothing, all I had control of was the pain I felt, and I made it worse because I deserve it..."

"No, Dee, you don't," Raph said, almost pleading. "You don't deserve it."

"How do you know?"

"Because I promised I wouldn't hurt you... I broke that promise on so many levels..."

"I... I hurt you emotionally, and I hurt you physically, and I know it's my fault you threw yourself off the balcony..." He couldn't look her in the eyes. "I'll never forgive myself for that." He took a deep breath. "I don't expect you to forgive me. You have every right to stay away from me... I don't even know why you want me in here at all..."

She squeezed his shoulder. He looked at her hand, then up at her.

"I want you here because I needed you to tell me all of that yourself. Not through text, not through someone else. I needed to hear it from you," she said.

Donnie entered the lab, half asleep. Raph stood up but didn't wipe his tears.

"I thought I heard something... Oh, Dee, you're up. I'm so sorry about what I said. I was wrong, and I take full credit for being wrong. I wanted to make sure you were awake when I told you so," Donnie immediately said, standing next to his brother. Delilah nodded.

"Thanks, Don..." Delilah whispered. Donnie noticed she was still down.

"Something's still bothering you," he said. "Does anything hurt?"

"Physically, no. It's just that Dill and Tina sided with you, and one would think your childhood friends would defend you. Nothing against you, Don, it's just..."

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