Chapter 10: Shocking details

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It was late at night, and everyone seemed to returning to their homes after the day was ending. The strawhats return on to their ship to rest for the night and set sail in the morning. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were getting ready to sleep, but still wanna play a game, Nami was finishing on her map for the island that they discovered, Franky was  making sure that the ship was doing alright, Brook was fixing his violin to make sure it's tuned, and Sanji was cleaning and restocking the foods in the fridge. The only two strawhats that wasn't there yet was the newly couple that the crew didn't know yet.

"Alright everyone, I think it's time to rest for the day." announced Nami

"Yosh! I'm feeling a little bit tired after eating the delicious meat that they had." Said the childish captain.

" Yea, the food that they had very good, even the cotton candy." Cheered the little reindeer

"OW! The materials that they had for ships and future inventions were SUPERRR!!!" yelled the cyborg while posing.

"Yohoho! It sure was fun seeing all the people and all the scenery. Even though  I dont have any eyes." Joked Brook

"Even with the food, having the fresh fruits vegetables and new fish I've never seen before." Said the cook

"Alright everyone, it's time for the roll call to make sure." Said the long-nosed sniper. He started the roll call.


Silence was in the ship. The crew wondering where's the two members went.

" Where is Robin-chan? She usually don't go missing when it's dark." Said Sanji.

"Including Zoro. Maybe he got lost again." Ssid Usopp

" Yea, we all know that mosshead's direction is some shit."

"Shishsihsihsihs! That would happen when it comes to Zoro." Said the captain.

"Oi! I think I see them walking up to the ship." Said the cheerful reindeer.

The group came up to the side of the deck to see if it's them or not. In their eyes, they've seen something that not rarely see. Zoro was carrying Robin like a bribe, making sure that she doesn't fall. Robin was sleepy in his arms, smiling wishing that this moment doesn't end in her mind. As Zoro was walking to the ship, he'd jumped to get on the deck. As he landed, he'd look at Robin to make sure if she's still asleep. He smiled happily, he usually doesn't feel this emotion around woman and within himself. The feeling of caring for someone, but a special person in his arms. He was done staring at her and looked at the crew at the surprise on the scene that they're seeing.

"What?" Asked the swordsman.

"What are you doing to Robin-chan?" Asked the pissed cook

"Holding her. Is that a problem?" Replied Zoro

"Yea, and the way you looking at her like she's yours, you dumb mosshead."

"Look, I dont have to play with your bullshit right now, curly-brow. I know that everyone was about to go to sleep right?"

" But it's unusual for you to smile at her to be honest." Said the sniper

"Is that also a problem?" Said the irritated swordsman

The crew except for Nami was asking too many questions for the swordsman holding Robin. As they were asking, Robin surprisingly woke up from all the commotion coming from the boys. She smile as they were pressing her Zoro with all the questions that they have.

"Oi Robin, it seems like you're awake from these idiots." Said Zoro, still holding her in his arms.

"Fufufu, they seem so concerned. What's going on?" Asked Robin

"Well, we all wanna know why he holding you like that and being happy. It is a shocking that he's happy." Said the navigator

"Oh, I see"

As she understand the situation, she looked at Zoro trying to get his attention. He look down the woman that he likes. She smiled as she approached to his cheek and gave him quick kiss to make him embarrassed. Indeed, it did. his cheeks were a little red as she done that. The crew was shocked on Robin's action on kissing on Zoro's cheek. Zoro kindly put her down and holding her hand, still flustered on her action towards him.

The crew was silent for awhile.

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