the dilemna

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"what do you want." i barked at him as my blood began to boil and i clenched my face in anger

he looked up shyly, unable to make eye contact with me. he took a deep inhale, and started to speak "um, i accidentally left my jacket at work today when i left but it had all of my money and valuables in the pockets and i was supposed to pay my landlord the rent today but now i cant and he wont let me stay there because im 4 years behind on payments and i also dropped my house key in the drain accidentally so i can't even sneak in and i was wondering if i could stay the night cause i dont have anywhere else to go and my car smella like grape soda cause i spilled grape soda in it a few weeks ago but the scent still lingers and i hate grape soda i promise ill behave i know you probably hate me but i have nowhere else to go  🥺👉👈"

i was too baffled by the fact that he said that all in one breathe that l forgot to ask how he knew where i lived. i decided to let him stay the night for being able to have such an abnormal lung capacity. "fine, but dont touch anything. ill get you a pillow and you can sleep on the couch."

i stepped aside to let him in. he cautiously walked in, looking at me  nervously. I stood there with my arms crossed, watching his every move. there was something strangely comforting about him. the room got a little brighter when he entered it. I couldn't let myself think that, though.  i was still mad at him. i am not going to trust him fully yet. he still had to prove that he was worthy of my trust. 

i showed him to the living room and he sat down on the couch. I looked at the clock, it was only 9:45. My favorite show, My Strange Addiction would be on soon. I was planning on watching it alone. like always.i wasn't used to having company. no one has sat on that couch in a long time. i definetly didn't picture id be alone and single at age 23, in a city where i knew nobody. fresh out of college, everyone around me seems to of known each other for years. even at my job, as a hairstylist, interacting with people all day, i still dont have deep connections with seemingly anyone. this was the first time anyone has been in my house since my sister helped me move in. it felt strange to share the space with someone. comforting, but strange. i sighed and went to go make popcorn. 

i came back in to find austin sharing at the tv. he was watching my show! I sat down next to him cautiously. "I watch this show every night." I said shortly. His eyes lit up suddenly.

"Me too!" he exclaimed, so suddenly i almost dropped the bowl. "i love it!" then, his face turned sad. "it helps remind me that turning back to that way of life i had is not worth it..." he got quiet.

I was concerned. Unintentionally, I put my hand on his arm. "what do you mean?" i whispered. he turned to me, fully making eye contact with me for the first time ,making my heart jump and i drew my hand back. His stare was so intense, i didnt expect it.

"I had a dark past. life wasn't always Bean Juice and grape soda." his breath was shaky. "I guess you could say I had an addiction. It's something that Im not proud of, and will never go back to. but it's a part of my past that I unfortunately cant leave behind, and only learn to grow and change from it." He shook his head. "I'm so ashamed." 

"Austin..." my voice was trailing off. "you don't have to tell me." 

"No, you're helping me out so much. The least  I can do is tell you my story." His eyes held back tears. 

"I was in a bad place, drugs had taken over my life. I overdosed on a mango juul pod." 

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