Chapter 1

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Izuku's POV

The end of another school day huh...?
I thought walking back to our new dorms. I thought it was going to be a nice and peaceful walk back

I thought...

Crackle crackle crackle.


Well there goes my peaceful walk. This is gonna suck.

I turn around and watch as an angry, explosive pomeranian stomped towards me, palm up with tiny explosions crackling like tiny fireworks.

"DEKU" he scowled

"W-what do you wa-want K-Kacchan?" I stuttered out.

I'm not necessarily afraid of his quirk.
I've gotten used to that by now. It's the thing in his pocket.. a switch knife.

"What the hell do you think huh?!" He spat out in my face.

He set off an explosion in my face before I could even respond sending me to the ground.

Like everyday for the longest time that I could remember he started beating me senseless. Cutting me, punching me, kicking me, exploding me, everything that he could think of to cause me pain. Once he was finally done beating till he was bored of it, he spat in my face and walked off.

I got up feeling numb but the one thing I could feel, was the blood dripping down my chest, arms, back, face, legs, literally anywhere he could cut me.

I felt my body lose control as I started to stumble. I swiftly gripped the fence next to me. To sturdy me as I walk to the dorms.

As soon as I walked into the dorms a certain swift red movement blurred my vision.

"Yo! Mido-bro! What happened to you man!?"

"Oh.. hi kiri-kun I-I'm fine.. don't worry about me.." I mumbled not really feeling the energy to try any harder.

I saw kiri-kun turn a little pink when I said his name but whatever..

"Of course I'm worrying! If I wasn't that wouldn't be very manly of me!" He exclaimed pumping his fists together.

"T-Thanks but really I'm...." my sentence trailed off as black started to fill my vision and my legs started to give out. I leaned forward to grab onto ... whatever was in front of me.
Which happened to be kiri-kun. I clung onto his shirt as I leaned my head into his chest.

I felt an arm wrap around my upper back and behind my knees. Sweeping me up into his grasp carrying me bridal form. I felt so safe with him that I gave up on staying conscious.


I woke up on something soft. I opened my eyes, wincing at the light in my eyes. It took a minute for me to adjust but when I did i saw a room that... wasn't mine??? I shot up frantically looking around at whose room I was in. The memories from yesterday flooded my head like a hurricane. I was in kiri-kun's dorm after fainting on him because I was brutally beaten by bakugou. Yes. Bakugou. Not kacchan anymore. I need a break from this place. Yea.. that's what I need.. and I know just who to go to.

"Kiri-kun???" I call out to see if he's here

"Uh yea man? Hold on I'll be right out" he replies from the bathroom

"Kk!" I sat with my feet off the bed kicking them to keep myself busy as I notice bandages on all my cuts. I smile to myself knowing I have a great friend.

He comes out of the bathroom with his hair down as YEeAAa ok- it looked good on him.

"So what's up man?" He says as he sits next to me on his bed

"I-I'm going to leave for a while..." I reply with my head down waiting for him to freak out at me

"How long..?" I could feel is worried stare burn into my head

"About 5 months.. a-and I'm leaving tomorrow.. tell the others after I leave please.."

"Sure bro! But hey? Keep in touch ?" He says resting a hand on my shoulder as I look up with my eyes practically sparkling. I was so happy he accepted it so easily!

"Thanks so much Kiri-kun!! And of course I will!" I exclaimed pouncing on him with a big hug. He seemed shocked at first and hesitated but soon melted into the hug. I look up at him and he looked flushed
Is he sick? I lift my hand and touch his forehead to see if he had a temperature. It seemed fine though. I smiled my signature bright smile at him and hopped off, saying my goodbyes and going to my dorm to pack.

--After packing--

Phew! Finally done packing- I already called up my friend from America and she said it was all good! So I went online, booked a ticket for tomorrow, and called Aizawa to tell him where I would be. And of course he didn't care and just went back to sleep midway through the call.

It was already really late at this point, so I just climbed into bed and let sleep over come me excited for break from everything, from Bakugou.

HEY HAI HELLO issa me Mario! I hope you enjoy this new book :D next page will be addressing the characters.

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