Chapter 2 - Growing Up With Harry and The Dursleys

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4 Years Old

At four years old me and Harry started having our first chores if you could call it that. It was anything from just sweeping the floor to have to practice making things with Harry's Aunt.

I suppose a difference was that Aunt Petunia was much nicer to Harry. It's easy to figure out why she would hate me more, of course, no matter how much she denies it Lilly was her baby sister and if she feels certain that my moms husband killed her baby sister then bam, I'm living in a itty bitty cupboard in the kitchen. 

Of course that doesn't it make it okay, if I was a little kid then this would be much more traumatic and even adults in many cases wouldn't be able to handle this situation very well.

Every-time Harry's about to get in to trouble for something I'll easily switch the blame to myself and perhaps it's just Petunia wanting to protect herself from hurting her sisters son but she easily accepts that it's me who's at fault.

Vernon on the other hand treats Harry and I both equally when it comes to all of that stuff. I'm unsure if they has to do with him not being emotionally attached to the situation or if it's because he just believes that both of us are just as bad as the other.

We also started reception this year, we're in the same classroom and all of that good stuff. 

6 Years Old

We've just started Year Two now or grade one in the United States. This year we're in different classes and Dudley is in Harry's classroom.

I've been keeping to myself, not because I wouldn't like to be there friends but because it'll be easier to not get to attached to anyone here, it's hard to say if I'll make it through all of this in the end either.

Perhaps I'll die or maybe I just won't, but right now it's hard to say for sure. I've been trying to discreetly use my magic to make wandless magic easier. Simple spells of course I'm a 6 year old so wingardium leviosa has been one of my most recent practices.

After school one day while I was working in the garden and Harry was outside helping me. "Hey Harry " I whisper playfully causing him to look at me curiously.

"What is it Ara?" He asks quietly with a frown

I look at the carrot I pulled out, it's pretty nicely sized too "wingardium leviosa" and it begins to float causing me to giggle.

"Wow" Harry mutters with a small smile "Can you teach me?"

"Yes!" I tell him excitedly and shortly afterwords he begins practicing with the lighter objects in the yard.

When he finally gets a tiny rock to raise in the air he looks at me wide eyed, a small smile on his face, "This is SOO cool! Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would be so mad at us."

"Which I why we won't tell anyone." I tell him with a small laugh as I work on lifting larger rocks with just little movements of my fingers.

By the time Aunt Petunia came to check on us the rocks were in a strange formation on the ground and boy was she pissed. But it was worth it. Neither me nor Harry were allowed to eat dinner that night.

7 Years Old

I'm not allowed anything other then Lunch for the rest of the school year because I punched Dudley because he was starting to attack Harry (and I will continue to punch him if he does so).

My little bitty cupboard is started to get very very small for me. I've heard them discussing moving Harry into one of dudleys bedrooms so that I can have his cupboard, how generous. Which in Harry's case I'm happy, but in my own, I'd love to just throw them into the ocean or something.

"How about we just get a dog house for her." Uncle Vernon asks and that's when I know that he won't be changing rooms either, I get to live in a dog house. It's almost ironic really.

"What about during the winter?" I hear Petunia ask him.

"We'll make sure it's a heated one, we can even get a dog fence so that we can lock the dog house in and we can keep her freakiness away from here."

"I'd have to let her out every morning." Petunia mutters and sighs, I hear her pace "Don't you think thats taking it to far?"

"No, Harry's freakiness seems more in control, you told me yourself that you saw her moping the floor without touching the broom"

"I don't know" petunia mutters.

"We'll get the dog house and the dog kennel" he says sternly.

Oh fucking joy. I guess I'll begin practicing my alohomora wandlessly now then.

A week and a half later Vernon had it set up and I had to 'move in' to 'more then I deserve' or something like that, I stopped listening, the guy needs to be tossed off the damn planet.

It took me a week to get the locking spell down good enough to unlock the dog cage. Unlocking doors is much easier to do.

8 Years Old

It's late now, we're laying outside in the lawn, not to far from my dog cage actually and just looking at the sky.

"I don't like that they keep you out here like this." Harry says quietly, his voice filled with so much anger for a child of his age.

I frown and shrug "it is what it is. It's not like Vernon has killed me yet." I mutter.

"I don't like this, you're like my sister."

"I know, your practically my brother." We probably would've been raised as practically brother and sister if Voldemort and Dumbledore wasn't an issue.

Yes, Dumbledore is an issue, I bet everything that he knows everything that's happening here.

10 Years Old

Not much has changed, it's basically the same thing, over and over again, it's pretty repetitive really and I'm getting sort of angry,I would like to just throw Vernon into hell or something. .

I suppose that the biggest difference is that Vernon has started hitting me or Harry if he can find any excuse to do so and then there's Petunia. .

Well, Petunia has been trying to look out for me and Harry. It's in the small things, she'll scold Dudley for being rude, she'll distract Vernon if he's going to get violent, she'll bring us food if for some reason Vernon decides we don't deserve the common curtesy of eating food.

Our birthdays are coming up, mine is just the day after Harry's so our letters should arrive around or at the same time. Just a few weeks, we'll, this could all get very interesting very quickly.

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