Honey Boys in the Snow

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John tipped his hat to a man, then turned to me. He gave me a pouch with some coins in it. "Would you go get what we need? I'll catch up to you here soon. Want to chat with him."

I hummed. "Of course. Don't chat too long, I want to get home as soon as possible." I pointed to my red cheeks. "It's chilly."

John simply nodded, pat my shoulder, then went to speak with the man. I recognized him, since he lived in the town and had his own little shop where he carved wood. His name was on the tip of my tongue, but I decided to leave it be.

I walked down the streets, shivering a bit. I could see my own breath in the air. I walked into a shop, smiling at the women who were chatting by the window, one holding a beaten up box.

I grabbed some food we would need for the dinner I had in mind, then a few other items simply other foods or toiletries, then placed them in a basket. I paid for the things, tipped my hat to the shopkeeper, then walked out, looking around.

In front of me, was the young boy that was chasing the dog. He almost bumped into me, but stopped just in time.

"Oh, I'm so sorry mister," the boy said quickly, the dog at his side, panting and wagging its tail.

I chuckled slightly. "It's quite alright, no need to apologize."

"Erm. I hate to ask you this, mister, but do you think you could watch my dog? I want to get him something to eat, but the shopkeeper won't allow dogs in. He's allergic, or just doesn't like them. I don't remember," the boy rambled.

I put a hand up to tell him to stop talking. "I can do that." I then arched an eyebrow. "You're very underdressed for this weather, where's your coat, young man?"

The boy shifted on his feet and laughed nervously. "I don't have one, mister. My momma is going to make me one, though!" He smiled. "She sent me out here to buy fabric. She's sick right now, so she can't."

I simply smiled, not understanding why children over shared so much to strangers. "Ah, I see. Do you have enough money for both a meal for your dog and the fabric."

The boy nodded. "I do. Momma's been saving up money, and Daddy gave her some, too."

I nodded and pat the boy's head. "Alright, go get something. I'll wait on the steps with him. What's his name, and yours?"

"My name's Hugh, and my pup's name is Cuthbert."

"My name is Alexander. Nice to meet you. Now, go."

Hugh nodded and went into the store, the bell above the door jingling. I sat down on the steps next to Cuthbert, who sat next to me and nuzzled my thigh. I scratched his head and waited.

Cuthbert was very well behaved, sitting patiently, not barking at anyone passing by. I picked at the straw on the basket I had, growing a bit impatient.

A black women came up. "Pardon me, sir, may I get inside?"

I nodded to her, moving out of the way, then sitting back down, scratching Cuthbert's chin. He licked my face in response, earring a small laugh from me.

Eventually, after some time had passed, Hugh came out of the store with a loaf of bread and beamed at Cuthbert. "I got some bread, buddy!"

Cuthbert stood up and pawed Hugh expectantly, trying to reach up and nibble at some of the bread. I stood up and smiled.

"Thank you for watching him, mister Alexander," Hugh said, happily giving Cuthbert some bread. "Would you like some?"

I shook my head. "No thank you, Hugh. I just bought some food."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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