Konoha High: Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

“For the last time, Kiba! Gaara is dating Umi and that is final! No changes!” Temari said fiercely.


“Down, boy. Seriously, get a girlfriend,” Temari replied.

“I’m busy trying to get one.”

“Not with this girl. She’s taken.”

“You referring to Umi or yourself? I don’t mind which. You’re both cute.” That got Shikamaru’s attention.

“Oi, Kiba. Temari is taken and so is Umi. Leave it at that,” Shikamaru said stepping between Temari and Kiba.

“Technically, Umi isn’t taken. And-” They reached Umi’s house.

“Kiba, if you want to get a girlfriend, at least stick true to one girl. She won’t like it if you’re constantly jumping from one girl to another. You’re just asking for trouble this way,” Umi said, before walking away. Temari, Shikamaru, Naruto, Hinata, Gaara and Kiba stared at her.

“She’s got you there, Kiba,” Naruto said as the others laughed.

“Shut up, Naruto,” Kiba said, annoyed.

Next day, Umi felt a bit more at ease being around the gang. But in school, some of the girls cornered her in class.

“Hey, is it really true that you and Gaara-kun are dating?” said one of the girls.

“Yeah,” Umi said, feeling very nervous.

“No way!” “What?” “Why would he-?” the girls cried out in confusion. Then Hana and her friends came forward.

“Hey, you know, a girl like you should break up with him. I mean, how could any guy want to date you? You’re a foreigner, you spend most of your time in the library and your hair . . . it says it all,” Hana said snottily. Umi went red in the face.

“What’s wrong with being a foreigner? Or spending time in the library? Are you saying that being Japanese or native is to be superior to foreigners? That’s being a racist.  And spending time in the library, there’s nothing wrong with that! I like books and the quiet that the library offers. And my hair?!?! What’s wrong with it?” Umi said angrily.

“It’s blue. You look like a punk,” Hana replied.

“So what if it’s blue? And if I look like a punk, that’s just your opinion!! What does my hair being blue have to do with dating Gaara?” Umi asked.

“Blue hair! It’s unnatural! It’s too freaky! Why would Gaara want to date a freak??” Hana said spitefully. The other girls laughed softly at this, mocking Umi. Umi felt tears threatening to spill. She rushed out of the classroom, the girls’ laughter echoing in her ears.

Hinata turned around the corner, to barely miss a familiar person running past her. Hinata turned around to see a blue hair girl still running.


Why me? What is it about me that just brings the bullies to bully me? Umi thought as she cried. Her tears blurred her vision, making it hard to see in front of her. Panting, she continued running. Where to, she didn’t think about. Then Umi crashed into someone. Trying to look past her tears, Umi saw a blond haired girl on the floor.

“Ow! Hey, watch it- Umi?” Temari exclaimed as she saw Umi’s tears. Umi rushed past her. “Wait, Umi!”

“Umi!” Hinata yelled as she ran up the corridor, seeing Umi running past Temari. The two girls gave chase, but when they turned the corner, Umi was nowhere to be seen.

Konoha High: Trust me ~A Gaara love story~Where stories live. Discover now