Thorn then said to the pink warrior "Well you look different but I can tell you're still Majin Buu. I don't care what you've done to get stronger this time...this time I plan on killing you! Get ready Buu because I'm about to show you what happens when I get angry!" Thorn and Buu clashed however Vegeta could be seen looking at Thorn while saying " it just me or is Thorn in his base form?" Goku who was staring down Thorn was feeling his energy then after realizing what was going on said to Vegeta "No...he's not in a base form, he's stronger than a Super Saiyan but yet somehow he looks normal." As both Goku and Vegeta gathered their strength and watched the fight about to happen they then heard from Thorn "Alright scum...BRING IT!!"


Thorn charged at Buu and he delivered a kick that sent Buu upwards however in a fraction of a second Goku and Vegeta saw Thorn kick Buu higher and higher then he finally kicked the pink warrior towards the ground however Thorn wasn't finished as he said charging up his power "Your life is forfeit now Buu! Hell is calling for you so don't keep the Devil waiting you bastard!" Then Thorn did this:

After firing the instant transmission Kamehameha Thorn jumped over to Goku and Vegeta hearing from Goku "Wow! You totally took care of Buu!" Just then Thorn scanned the area once more seeing if maybe this time Buu would come back but as he scanned the area all he felt were the signature of Buu once more then he said to Goku and Vegeta "He isn't finished yet...Buu is still alive and I don't have all of my energy back yet. I was just resurrected after all..." Goku then powered up to Super Saiyan 3 and said to Thorn "I've got some fight left in me...but it isn't enough to beat him completely." Just then Buu appeared and growled at Thorn however the saiyan stared at the pink warrior only to say "Whats the matter Buu...things not going the way you'd hoped? Show me what you've got then you worthless bastard!" Vegeta stepped in while saying "Hold on a minute you fool....take a moment and gather your strength back. Besides this used piece of chewed gum is mine." Vegeta powered and then this happened:

Thorn watched as Vegeta was getting pummeled by Buu however just as he was going to intervene Goku said "I've got enough to take over for Vegeta...can you get Vegeta out of that crater while I fight Buu?" Thorn looked at Vegeta's near lifeless body knowing that he is still alive well more or less still breathing then he said to Vegeta "I can get him out of there but you need to be careful know Super Saiyan 3 is taxing on your energy if you take too long." Thorn then said while looking at Vegeta "Stay safe..and watch out for Vegeta. If he dies now then there won't be anything we can do to save him." Goku nodded and joined Vegeta while Thorn went to hide somewhere safe while he gathered the rest of his energy, as he did this Elder Kai spoke in Thorn's head while saying to him [How low is your energy young man?] Thorn simoly replied mentally [Right now I can't maintain that form from earlier...I had to power down to allow me to recharge my energy.] After their conversation Thorn's energy started to feel like it was fully charged which at first had startled him but he then heard a voice say to him "Forgive me for sneaking over to you but I knew you needed some energy." The voice belonged to the Supreme Kai who after giving Thorn energy started to collapse however Thorn caught him and laid the Kai on the ground gently while saying "Thank you Supreme Kai....I'll make sure that Buu doesn't come back ever again." After leaving the Supreme Kai in a safe place Thorn rushed to the battlefield powered up once more into the same form from earlier however this time his power was back to 100% and this time Thorn was ready for a battle even if it cost his life. Thorn kicked Kid Buu in the side of his head while saying to Goku "Kakarot get that spirit bomb charged up and get Vegeta to help you! I'll keep Buu busy as long as i can!" Goku wasn't willing to do as asked but after seeing Thorn glare at him once more this time "Dammit Kakarot get that bomb ready or I'll let Buu kick your ass some more!" Thorn then took a punch from Buu which drew blood but Thorn fired back with a punch of his own drawing Buu's blood as well however Thorn continued the onslaught while mentally he was thinking to himself (This bastard is tough but this time I don't plan on losing to him!) Thorn then kicked the pink warrior away then he charged up his energy long enough for him to "borrow" Vegeta's best attack, the Final Flash!

After seeing Kid Buu get hit dead on by the attack and after seeing Thorn perform the attack as if it was his own, Vegeta smirked while thinking to himself (He may not act like a true Saiyan warrior but damn if he doesn't attack like one.) Goku then thought to himself after seeing the attack himself (H-How is that possible?! Thorn shouldn't be able to do that attack much less know it like that!) It was then that Thorn hovered in the air still catching his breath as he used nearly all of his energy in that attack then he said to Vegeta as he landed near the two warriors "Sorry you had to see that Vegeta....i had seen you use it against Cell and I wanted to try it myself..." A few minutes after the attack Thorn thought he sensed Buu's energy however what he sensed was the original Buu but as Vegeta went to send the pink blob to hell Thorn placed a hand on Vegeta's shoulder while saying "Let him go may be Majin Buu but i can sense that he isn't evil anymore." After saying that Thorn sensed another figure and that was Hercule Satan who along with his dog somehow got sent to the Land of the Kais, Thorn looked at Hercule while saying "When did you get here? I thought the World's Martial Arts champion would be training?" Hercule then said after sighing a bit "Well I would be but after seeing what you guys can do I don't think I'm cut out to call myself a champion much less a warrior." Thorn then said to the man almost lifting his spirit as he said "You sure about that? Remember when Cell wanted to fight and you went in there? Sure he knocked you into a mountain but you ignored his strength and went in there not as a man but as a warrior." It was then that Hercule wiped his eyes and said while looking at the puppy "Guess anyone can be a warrior these days right? Well how do we get home?" Thorn then said while looking at everyone else "Goku...can you take Buu and Hercule while Vegeta and I talk for a moment?" Vegeta was caught off guard by this but after glancing at Thorn he nodded at Goku who disappeared taking Hercule and Buu with him, then Vegeta said while using a Boulder to hold himself up "Is there something on your mind Thorn?" The saiyan stared at sky and said albeit still searching for the right words then he said to the prince "I need you to train me...that fight showed me that while I have the conviction to end the fight I don't have the longevity like you and Kakarot do.." Vegeta paused for a moment then he said to Thorn "Give me one week...after that I will train you however!" Thorn listened to the saiyan prince as he heard from Vegeta "I don't train like Kakarot does...I will train you as if I told to walk through the valley of death alone." Thorn nodded and said while placing his hand on Vegeta's shoulder "Thank you should we get out of here or do you need another minute?" Vegeta smirked and said while looking at Thorn "I should be alright although maybe you need that break more than I do." The two saiyans shared a laugh then they headed home to see their friends and family however as soon as Thorn returned with Vegeta he flew off towards his house where immediately he was greeted by Reina who was cooking as their son Tora was napping in his room. Reina looked at Thorn only to say "Welcome home Thorn."

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