Chapter 1

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As their mind and body started to wake up, all they could feel was darkness, and a deep pounding all throughout their head, almost just floating through a murky void for a few seconds before their senses started alerting them of other things, like a hard, rough surface underneath
them, and the feeling of crisp clothes and tight shoes covering their body . The cool breeze running over some exposed skin. And a foggy mumbling.

The clearer their hearing got, the more they could tell what the sound was. Currently, it reminded them of how you would imagine a small woodland creature with anxiety would sound like; Eventually, the ringing stopped, and coherent words started coming coming from the mouth of not a small rabbit or mouse, but a very worried looking boy. Woah! with the most brightly dyed green hair they'd ever seen.

"Oh my godareyou okay?? I really should have watched where I was going but I was justsoexcitedandthen I bumped into you an-" Realizing you were laying Down, the now conscious person sat up, rubbing their still aching head.

"I really am sorry Ihopeyoucanforgive me" the boy timidly spoke out now that he saw that the stranger was ok. Upon closer inspection of the oddly familiar looking young man, who was about their age, was on the verge of tears as he stuttered out another string of apologies. They cut him off with a voice that sounded very calm and collected in comparison.

"No, no, its fine. You seem very sorry anyways," The boy almost deflated with relief as they continued. "But if I may ask, where am I?" The mysterious person, who had seemed to just pop out of nowhere in this boys path, had also denned unfamiliar with their surroundings. Which makes sense, as the busy street, tall buildings and fast-paced people seemed distinctly different from what they were used to. But what were they used to? It seemed this stranger could not remember anything besides the events that had Just now happened to them.

The young man's past relief completely washed off his freckled face as he once again answered, "You're in Musutafu. Just outside of UA, actually. Are you sure you're okay? I-If you cant remember where you were, maybe you hit you're head to hard, and I don't want you to be hurt! I'm really sorr-"

"No. Like I said, It's fine. I have a horrible memory." They interrupted, which was a partial lie. Taking more notice of the boy, their eyes landed on the all-too-familiar grey blazer the stranger was wearing. Then, it all clicked. His friendly and familiar looks, strange outfit, weird town. They were speaking to the one and only, "Deku?" As realization hit them, they came to notice your very similar looking ensemble. You must have lost your mind.

It must have also been strange for him, this random person, a stranger, seeming oddly confused not only at their surroundings, but now the clothes they were wearing too. To add to the big mess, it almost sounded to the young high schooler that you had said his childhood nickname. How could you have possibly known that?

With some sense returning to them, they cleared their thoughts, getting his attention. "Um, I see we're wearing the same uniform. Would you like to walk with me to UA?" With no hesitation, he lit up at the proposal and said "Sure! I'd love to. My name is Midoriya, by the way.

"Thanks! I'm l/n, but you could call me y/n!"

"Wow, that's such a pretty name! is it foreign? "

"Yeah, actually, I'm from y/c. And thanks," Most bits and pieces had finally clicked. "But I think your name is much better sounding." The conversation between the two had just started as they walked to UA, and they were already feeling insecure. I mean who wouldn't standing next to THE Izuku Midoriya.


"Oh sorry, could you repeat that again? I wasn't listening." They said with aa half lidded smile, their arm nervously rubbing the back of their neck subconsciously.

"No problem," Izuku reassured them. "I just said you speak Japanese really good for being from From y/c." So you really are in Japan...

"I do?" They said, the words slipping out of their mouth before they could even comprehend what they had both just said. trying to cover up the mistake a bit of nervous laughter, "oh haha, I meant thanks! I-uh, my dad actually knew Japanese so it was pretty easy for me to learn." Sweet, I nailed that cover-up. But did this mean that I was still thinking in English? Nothing makes sense anymore. It's probably best to just stop thinking about it.

"...but there I go rambling on again. Really, you can tell me to stop." He was still talking? They should really stop zoning out like this... it could become a bad habit. Looking up from the suddenly very interesting ground, they gazed upwards at the massively towering building in front of them. The light shining off the almost ridiculously polished windows and giant gold emblem was actually blinding.

"Woah-"the thought precisely echoed back from a few behind. Wow. Looking back, one could actually almost see the sparkles in his eyes. They both collectively realized how big this place truly was, as the duo walked through the generous courtyard, littered with somehow perfect pink petals. Could anything be more anime cliché than that? God, they were probably in some crazy lucid dream right now. Next, after a flight of concrete steps awaited surprisingly big and grand doors. This whole place really did scream elite.

Even walking in, large glass walls, polished floors, and a hoard of bustling and colorful people managed to awe your already tiny fried brain. If you had to process even an ounce more information today you're sure you'd explode. There was just so much to take in at once. So many colors, sounds, so many people talking in a langue that you could now miraculously speak and understand.

"To make up for earlier, how about I can walk you to your class? I really am very sorry for that again and if you need anything el-"

"I told you earlier it's fine, and that would be nice, thank you. Now for Pete's Sake would you stop apologizing before I actually do get upset?"

A look of fear and schlock flashed across his face before a bit of confusion at what you had just said to him. He couldn't bring himself to question it though, he didn't want to offend you.

"Alright then, I'm heading to class 1-A. And you?"

"Oh, I'm in class 1-A as well." They responded with confidence. In fact, too much confidence. From where? It wasn't quite tangible memories, but they definitely knew now that they were in class 1-A. This was also a quite strange occurrence to pile onto a day of literal madness and straight-up miracles. More to ponder as Izuku now quietly navigated, somewhat shakily, the complex halls as you followed. Speaking of which, there was another new thing. Apparently they could still speak English fluently as well. That actually might prove to be very entertaining later on.

"Woah, that door is huge," said the not-quite-a-stranger, to no one in particular.

"Uhm, yeah," He said back. Something else suddenly noticed was he was speaking more calmly than before. "It is huge. Are there giants here?

Well here goes. The most promising students in the country are behind this door. Oh man, what were they getting themselves into?

Word count: 1473

A/N! First chapter is out :) I'm still figuring out how I want to format these and just everything else lol. I'm actually pretty excited to write this, I have some cool ideas c: I think I'll try to get a chapter or at least some update out every week or so, at least for the rest of the summer. Please tell me if there are any typos/grammar mistakes, and I love constructive criticism of any kind! In fact, this is pretty my first serious story I'm writing, so any comments/feedbacks/suggestions or encouragement of any kind are highly appreciated, and help motivate me to write as I struggle with that. Also, I would love to hear any suggestions or requests for love interests or chapter ideas if there is a certain character you want written for, I will try to put it in somehow :) that's it for now!

Edit: I've changed the perspective from a second person to third person perspective, this should make it much easier to write, and much better to read :) Also, I will be using they/them pronouns just to make this book more accessible.


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