The Allspark

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Yn P.O.V.

After we introduced ourselves to the autobots and myself and Burns talked to Bee we asked what they were doing her, Optima told us, "We are in serch of the Allspark, the beginning and end for all cybertronians, during the final days of cybertron I sent the cube off world so the decepticons couldn't get their hands on it, for if they did, all would be lost." Me and Burns looked at each other, "Is the Allspark a huge Cube with symbols on it?" Optima looked at us and said, "Yes have you seen it?" Simmons tried to tell us to shut up, but I just knocked him out, "Allright, well we know where it is, and I'm wanting to get it as far away as possible, you'll see why when we get there, all S-7 agents saddle up, we're moving out," I looked down at Simmons unconscious body and looked toward 2 of my guys, "Grif, Jenkins, pick up this trash would ya?" The 2 nodded and picked up Simmons, and put him in their SUV, not before putting him in handcuffs though.

Timeskip Jenkins P.O.V.

A little bit of time passed as we were just fine being silent until we heard shit head wake up, he looked at us and tried getting out of his cuffs, "What the, you, uncuff me right now!" He ordered me but I ignored him, but he just got more mad, "Did you fucking hear me, uncuff me right now!!!" He yelled, i got pissed and asked Grif for something to shut him up, "Here bro." And he hands me a fucking BALL GAG, "The fuck did you get this?" "About a week ago, thought my girl and I could have some fun with it since she's into bondage." I shrugged and put it on Simmons who tried to close his mouth but the gag forced it open and I secured the strap. I then looked at Grif and asked, "Wait, ain't you dating that doctor thats bat shit crazy?" He looked at me and said, "Yeah, why?" I looked at him as I got a smile on my face, "Why don't we give shit for brains here to her as a test subject for all that crazy surgery shit that she does?" He now had a smirk as Simmons looked terified.

Timeskip Yn P.O.V.

When we arrived at the Hoover Dam we stopped on the top of it as we saw the secretary of defense along with what appear to be the soldiers who brought in the piece of the driller con. When we dismounted our vehicles Grif and Jenkins brought Simmons out of their SUV wearing a ball gag? I went up to them and before I could ask Jenkins explained, "He wouldn't shut up sir." But I still had to ask, "Where did the ball gag come from?" Grif explained and then the 2 said, "Sir, since he disobeyed orders we thought of a good punishment for him, you know Grif's girlfriend, doc Grey?" I nodded and shivered, I always felt bad when someone went into surgery for bullet wounds, her opra singing scared the shit out of everyone on base, "Yeah why?" They gained huge smiles and told me, "Well the Doc has been wanting to experiment on the human body, why not give her him as Grif's anniversary gift?" Now I had a huge smirk on my face and we turned to the secretary, "Mr. Secretary, before we give you a tour, can we go deliver Simmons her to his torch- I mean punishment?" He nodded dumbly and we went into the base and dropped Simmons off at the surgery room, where the Doc was and she almost cried, after we left her we started the tour and behind us we could hear Simmons screaming and Doc Grey yelling, "WHY DO YOU HAVE MY BALL GAG IN YOUR MOUTH YOU SICK BASTARD, NOW IM GOING TO TAKE YOU APART AND PUT YOU BACK TOGETHER JUST TO RIP YOU APART AGAIN AND MAKE YOU EAT YOUR OWN DICK!!!!!!!!" I looked at Grif and he looked back at me with eyes that showed fear, I looked around and our little tour group had the same look. We took them to the huge room that held the allspark, Optima looked at Bee and said, "Bumblebee, if you will?" She moved to the cube and lightning came off the cube as it started to shrink, when it was fully shrunk we heard the alarms blaring meaning one thing, "What is that?" The girl asked me, I responded, "Something very very bad."

Below their level

A metal grey cybertronian is seen covered in ice as the ice started to thaw as her optics opened and broke the ice as she loaded her arm cannon and yelled, "I am........ Megatrona."


Well this is another chapter done and sorry for accidentally uploading it the first time.

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