Chapter one

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Loki's POV

I head to Midgard, I don't know why I'm doing this again but I must see... I make it to the Controller's stone. I wish there was a way to move it to Ice realm or Asgard... or anywhere but Midgard... imagine the power that someone would have with this... especially changelings... they could enslave the whole world with this thing... I should go before someone finds me here...

Thor's POV

"Loki," I growl. He turns his eyes turn to confusion.
"How did you find this place?"
"I could sense you."
I see the stone.
"Don't mess with that—"
"Why not?"
I take another step towards it.
"Thor, I'm not kidding, please don't."
"I don't care, Loki."
His eyes turn to pleading, "Thor, you don't know what this thing could do, just don't touch it... don't even look at it."
I give the go ahead to help me destroy the stone. As soon as it's destroyed, a green light explodes from it, Loki shoves me out of the way of the light, the beam gets him square in the face. As soon as it disappears he collapses, moaning loudly. A ring with a smaller version of the stone appears on each of our fingers. The light reappears on his neck. He shudders and moans again. A collar replaces the light. He manages to stand up weakly.

Loki's POV

Don't resist! No! Submit! No! Obey! No! I try furiously to rip the collar off. Can't submit! Must submit! Don't wanna be a slave again! Submit! Please no! Ngh! Resistance is futile... they are my masters—no! I've gotta try—I can't resist.

Thor's POV

Loki slides to his knees no longer trying to rip the collar off. He just sits there silently looking up at us. His head bows.
"What the hell was that stone, Thor?" Tony asks.
"Language," Steve says.
"I—I don't know," I stutter. Loki doesn't even flinch.
"What was that light?" Clint asks.
"I don't know," I, once again, say.
"And these rings... they look like miniature versions of the stone," Dr. Banner says.
"I know right."
"He has a matching one on the collar thing," Natasha says.
"Well maybe there is a connection to it... I don't know... something," Peter says swinging in.
"Did you get one?"
Loki still isn't moving.
"Is he even alive?" Tony asks. I shrug.
"Maybe we should bring him with us... we can't just leave him here like this," Peter says.
Peter looks over at us.
"Um, what's the plan?"
"Peter, we'll leave it up to you."

Peter's POV

The others leave. I sit down in front of the guy and twist my head to look at his eyes. He seems...numb?
"Hi," I say hoping he'll answer. His lip trembles for a minute.
"H—hello, m—Master Parker."
"Um, what?" I ask.
"The stone is called the Controller's stone... when it is destroyed, whoever gets hit by the beam is enslaved by the ten closest people... the power is shown through the rings that you ten possess... I cannot disobey orders or argue... my appearance can change between the masters."
"So how do you know my name?"
"I read your mind, Master Parker."
"Oh... I don't like being called that... call me, Peter, please. Oh, except when I'm in my Spider-Man suit... call me Spiderman then."
"Yes, Master Peter."
"So, what's your name?"
"Loki, Master Peter."
"Nice to meet you."
He just nods.
"Um, so, do I have to tell you to do things?"
"For most things, yes, Master Peter."
"Well, I guess then, follow me."
"Yes, Master Peter," he says getting up. He follows me out to the Quinjet. We head back to the mansion. He follows me to my room.
"Yes, Master Peter?"
"How does all this work?"
"Very simple... you just give me commands and I'll follow them... ask a question and, if I know the answer, I'll answer... if you ever need to punish me, you turn the stone to the left until you feel satisfied.. when you're done turn it back to the right."
"Over time smarter slaves tend to automatically do things that pleases their masters without commands but that takes time."
"I cannot do anything major without command though."
"What does that mean?"
"I can't eat, drink, rest, bathe, or change unless you give me permission... if you are ever in a fight or about to get hurt I will be forced to protect you and take care of threats."
He sits there. I smile and sit down next to him.
"You seem really strong, Loki."
"I'm not physically strong, Master Peter, my power lays in my magical talents and knowledge of lore."
I sit up and see his hat.
"Can I see that?"
He hands me his horned hat.  I see a phrase in a different language.
"What does this say?"
"It says my rank, 10, and platoon, 12, in the guard, Master Peter."
"That's so cool!"
He smiles but his face quickly returns to a neutral expression.
"Um, do whatever for now I don't know much about this whole thing but I need to tell the others," I say quickly. He nods before a book appears in his hands.

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