Chapter two

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"Well I guess you can come with us."

The new vks come out with their parents. Evie waits for Dizzy to get in.

"I'm gonna miss you granny!" She says as she hugs her.
Her granny's face softens then she says, "go on go on."

She gets in. We go. Celia asks one of the boys, "can I give you a card reading?"
"Um, and who are you two?" I ask pointing to the boys.
"Oh I'm Philip... and that's Allen."
"It says you will be forever in love."

"He already is."

Celia smiles and says, "see the cards never lie."

She holds her hand out to Philip for some money for giving him a card read. He looks confused at first, then, realizes what she is wanting and hands her three 20 dollar bills. Evie says, "when we get there you have to try icecream!"

"Ooh and can we go swimming?" Dizzy asks.

"I can take you to the enchanted lake." They both squeal.

Carlos hands a peanut butter cup to Squeaky. He doesn't take it at first.

"Trust me on this," Carlos says.

He takes it and tries it. Carlos smiles.

Mal says, "yeah we all remember you pigging out on peanut butter cups and Evie taking the blue rock candy the first time we came to Auradon."
I smile softly and say, "I remember the first time Aunt Lumikiki gave me a popsicle... she chased me around for an hour."
"He literally had chocolate all over his face and hands!"

"Hey at the isle there's not chocolate the candy is gross!" Carlos says.

"Especially what my mom did to it when I give her a piece of candy I stole from a baby."
I sigh softly. Suddenly we hear something. We turn. Evie says, "stop! Hades is trying to escape!"

Jay stops driving. We get out but the kids stay in the limo. Hades shoots his ember at Jay, Carlos, and Philip who fall to the ground. Mal's eyes turn green and she turns into her dragon form. Hades shouts, "I'm a God! I don't belong here!" He shoots her with his ember.

"Blast him, Mal!" Jay shouts.

She blasts him. He falls back in. She falls back to normal on the limo. Evie asks, "are you okay?"

She says, "n—no he blasted me with that ember and I felt all my power slipping away!"
I look over to her then I do my restore spell. If it worked then she isn't hurting anymore and it feels like it's stopping. 
Evie and Carlos help her down. We go back to Auradon. We go to Evie's place. Dizzy's eyes light up as she looks around. Bucky darts over to a piece of fabric obviously interested in it. Steve gives a "here we go again" glance.
"What is happening?" Carlos asks.
Dude comes out of nowhere, "you're back!" He says.
"He will spend hours talking about fashion."
Morbius appears beside him and looks too.
"So will he."
"Evie is the fashionista here." Carlos says.

I chuckle, "those two live for fashion."
Peter looks up at Mal cutely. She giggles.


Dizzy is just looking around then she accidentally bumps into Lyme and her glasses fall off too.

"Oh I'm sorry!" She says. Morbius and Bucky are still just looking at the fabric.
"No I'm sorry," Lyme says before handing her the glasses and running out. She puts them on.
"Huh I wonder where that guy went."
Evie giggles.
"He's probably extremely socially awkward due to a mentally disturbed past," Morbius says inspecting a dress.
"He was actually really nice!" Dizzy says.
"Are you two just gonna be inspecting everything Evie made?"
"No just some things," Morbius  says.
"Well I'm an extreme fashionista like Carlos says so I know what I'm doing." Evie says. He sighs.
"Well you missed a stitch here," Bucky says pointing.
"Don't criticize Evie! She's actually really good!"
"And I'm good at makeup too!" Evie says.
"No, I'm just letting you know so you don't ruin it when you put it on. It's pretty."
"Oh thanks." She says.
"Yeah I wasn't trying to be rude."
He smiles softly then points to his own outfit, "I made this myself when I wanted to sneak away from people that I don't like."
"Oh that's cool! I make all of mine, Mal's, and sometimes my boyfriend's outfits!"
He smiles again.
"Oh he makes clothes for women," he says pointing at Morbius. Morbius blushes. Mal giggles.
"Wait how do you make it fit?"
He blushes.
"Bucky! Why did you bring this up?!?"
"Because you're good at it."
"I just ask for them to put their bra on a life sized doll and measure."
"I've also been turned into a girl enough to understand that too."
Mal giggles. He blushes and says, "don't laugh at me!"
"It's okay..."
Mal sighs. We hear someone yell a curse word. Mal looks around. She goes outside.

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