(BDE) Best Day Ever

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Riele's POV

Since Jace isn't a great driver I took another outfit in case the other one gets stained or something like that.

I call Ella and apologize for my behaviour earlier, I freaked out.

Did you know that I've never had a first kiss, or a boyfriend.

The last time I went out was to celebrate or when I was too lazy to cook.

So I kinda freaked out.

I always thought that I'd have my first boyfriend when I'm like 20 and I'm almost 19, maybe Jace can break that thought.

I smiled and got into my car.

I drove to his house.

I opened his door and saw him on his couch.

I forgot to knock, why does this keep happening.

He was shirtless watching a movie.

That's how he looked like.

That's how he looked like

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"Hi" I say waving my hand.

"Don't you knock" he asked.

"No, I never will" I said chuckling.

He put on his shirt and a jacket.

"I thought we were going to a restaurant" I asked.

"Yeah we are, turns out they open only on weekends, so let's go to McDonald's" he replied.

I got dressed for McDonald's?!

Good thing I brought the other outfit, I'd look like I was going to prom.

Jace and I arrive at McDonald's where some fans were.

I took pics with them and turns out they loved me more than him.

I didn't want him to get bored by waiting so I took a pan picture, I think that's the name, so we could all be in it.

I posted it on my Instagram and since they're kids they obviously started teasing us together.

I never knew a boy could blush that hard.

We sat on a table and ordered our food.

"Eww eww ewww eww, what is on the table, is that poop" I say.

"Yes, it is, no wonder people are leaving" Jace replied.

We quickly went to other tables and at the end we sat at 5 tables until we found the perfect one.

The waiter had a hard time finding us.

I was like, doesn't he have eyes or not.

The speakers were playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

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