Chapter 9

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"What do you mean That's not Castiel?" Sam asked, confused and concerned.

"Do I even need to explain?! First he didn't remember that the mist was red, not blue. And then he didn't know who Jimmy Novak was! And he was a dick about it, too. That's not Castiel. I'm sure of it." Dean said.

"Dean, you can't just accuse him of something like this. Maybe when he, uh, died, it messed with his memory. Are we even sure he's still an angel?" Sam said.

Dean shook his head, and said, "Well, I'm not gonna sit on my ass and wait for an answer. You comin' or what?"

Dean didn't stop for an answer, instead just kept walking down the hall, gun in hand.

He was nearly half way to "Castiel's" room, Sam right on his heels, when he stopped in his tracks.

He dropped the gun, causing it to shoot a hole in the wall to this left. He keeled over and screamed.

The screeching in his head had returned, but it was much stronger this time. The sound, although only able to be heard by Dean, seemed as though any glass within a 10 mile radius would have shattered.

His vision went fuzzy, and soon the Winchester couldn't tell his left from his right.

Sam was terrified. He had witnessed this not but 20 minutes ago, and a repeat of the pain he had to watch his brother endure was just as bad as if it were happening to him instead of Dean.

"Dean!" He shouted. He shouted over, and over, and over again. He hoped to any higher power left in the world that Dean would hear him.

But Dean heard nothing but that terrible screech, now intensified by more than anyone could imagine.

Dean saw the look of true terror displayed on Sam's face and in his eyes.

His eyes used to be so full of life and joy, but now they only hold loss and sorrow. At this moment, though, the only thing Dean could gather was fear.

His gaze was torn away from his brother and towards the darkness of his closed eyelids as the screeching increased in loudness and the pain intensified.

He cried out again and felt tears slip down his cheeks carefully amidst everything else.

Soon enough, "Castiel" was in the hallway with the Winchesters.

"Dean! Are you alright? What's going on?!" He said as he crouched down to meet the writhing Dean.

Sam, based on instinct and on what his brother had noticed, grabbed the gun and aimed it at the imposter.

"Stay back! Get away from Dean. Right now," he said, forcefully. The man stood up slowly, with his hands up in surrender.

"Sam, what are you doing? We have more pressing issues at the moment, can't your childish games wait?"

"Castiel would never say that." Sam pointed out, as Dean continued to whimper silently on the ground.

While Sam and "Cas" continued their snark remarks and intense death stares, Dean was experiencing a whole new level of wierd, which was uncommon for the Winchesters.

The screeching inside his head had stopped, and he was silently recollecting himself on the ground with raspy breaths and his eyes closed.

He could barely make out a faint voice in the back of his head. He dismissed it as Sam or fake-Cas, but when he reluctantly looked up at their mouths, the voice he heard wasn't matching up to the movement of their lips.

\\ A.N. //
From now on, all conversations inside Dean's head will be bolded for your convenience!!

~~~Dean's Mind Scape~~~
"Dean...Dean can you hear me?"

Dean could hear the voice, and it sounded familiar. But he kept silent...not because it was strategic, but because he was afraid.

The voice continued, "Dean I know you're scared and I know I've caused you so much emotional pain the last few months, and a lot of physical pain the last two hours, and I am sorry. Please, let me know you can hear me."

Dean couldn't see anything, but he felt as if his eyes widened three sizes at the recognition of the voice. "C-Cas? that really you?"

The voice sighed in relief and gathered itself to reply. "Yes, it's me. I'm alive."

Dean, although not physically moving, stopped dead in his tracks...stopped moving, stopped thinking, stopped breathing.

Castiel, the real Castiel, could sense that Dean had stopped any process of, well, processing. So he continued, "Do you remember when I first tried to speak to you with my real voice, and glass shattered everywhere and you felt as if your mind was going to implode?"

Dean recalled the day he pulled himself out of his own grave and chuckled to himself. "Yeah...why?

"And do you remember how before you met the man in your hallway you felt exactly the same thing, but no glass shattered, as if no one but you could hear it?"

Dean pieced together this rather complicated puzzle and replied, "I guess. Yeah, was all that screaming in my head really necessary?"

Cas laughed lightly, and Dean took in the sound of his angel laughing again, picturing his smile. "Yes, I'm afraid so," Cas said.

"I was going to give up trying to communicate with you after I failed the first time. But when he showed up, I had to try again. Dean, you and Sam are in grave danger. The reason your pain was so profound this time was because I needed to break the barrier that separated us. I'm alive, but not in the living world."

Dean's confusion only grew, "What are you talking about, not in the living world? Where are you, Cas? Who is that guy in my house?"

Cas was reluctant to answer, but did eventually, "I'm not sure, but I know for a fact that one like him has never existed in this world. But before I explain further, you need to need to go back to Sam and help him entrap this...thing."

"Wait, Cas! No, don't leave!" Dean said with true panic in his voice, scared to lose the angel he had already lost so many times before.

Cas smiled and said, "It's okay, Dean. I've broken the barrier. You will be able to talk with me whenever you want to. I will be here. Just, try not to do it out loud. It's best that our little impersonating friend doesn't know I'm here."

~~~Back To Reality~~~
Dean had been away for 15 minutes, and he couldn't find Sammy anywhere.

Instant panic flushed over him, until a soothing voice came through. "Check the basement." Dean smiled and mentally gave a quick thanks to Cas.

When he arrived in the basement, Sam had tied up fake-Cas inside a devil's trap and used handcuffs and at least three different types of rope and chain.

"So, did you get anything out him yet?" Dean said.

Sam exhaled in relief when he saw his brother was okay. "No, nothing yet. But he'll crack eventually." Sam said with certainty.

Dean glanced over the impersonator with disgust.

"What do ya think, Cas?" He said, mentally.

Cas replied quickly. "I'm not sure yet. I don't know why this thing has targeted you, but I fear for your safety. I don't know how I'm going to get to you, but I won't rest until I find a way to save you. That, I promise."

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