Chapter 2 - Diner Discord

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The diner was almost empty when we walked in. It was still a tad too early for the dinner rush, but too late for lunch. This little place had been here forever. Its brick walls were some of the first built in the town. Hands down, it was the best place in town, and Granny's was normally busy. Our little town that was tucked away in the woods wasn't known for visitors, but when the truck drivers or hunters came through, we always pointed them in this direction. It was also run by a pack member, so that counts for something.

It was the pack who built the entire town. Granny herself wasn't really a granny. She was the elder female wolf, but she wasn't an alpha, and she never picked a mate. She was a healer. Her wisdom led the pack in its own way. She opened this place and made the best food you could find for at least a hundred miles. It's been here ever since and has always been run by a member of our pack. Sometimes, when I was younger, the servers would treat me to a slice of pie after school when Ronan and I would stop by. My mouth started to water at the thought of the sweets that were kept in the glass case.

I ordered my normal burger with a runny egg on top with a side of onion rings while Ronan got himself a steak skillet thing. It was easy to talk to him. I found myself rambling on about a lot of things. He brought up his sports. His team would have an away game the week after next, a full week after my dreaded birthday.

We talked about his job and rude customers. I had picked up a job at a local law office. I did the paperwork, answered calls, and whatnot. Nothing too serious. I still didn't know what I was going to do with my life. Recently, I started writing articles for their website. Weekly things about current laws and stuff that was being passed in office. It wasn't creative, but I found some peace in the copy work.

"Hey, isn't that Mae?" Ronan had picked his head up from his food and looked behind me at the door. I could see his phantom wolf ears perk up and swivel in her direction.

I almost broke my back as I twisted around to look at who he had just nodded to. It sure was Mae. She was the omega of our age group. A late pup birthed the spring three years after me. As alpha, I'm supposed to keep a timeline of my pack. "She looks lost. Call her over to join us."

Ronan was used to me barking orders, and he was good at following. The pack might have some odd traditions, but their mind was easy enough to follow. Leaders lead, and the rest follow. And without a second thought, he stood up and called her name. She turned and looked, and he waived her over. "Join us." That grin of his was across his face.

She looked away from him and to me before she answered. "I wouldn't want to impose."

Her voice made my heart stop. At that moment, I didn't understand what had happened, but for a split second, I felt the world stand still. I couldn't remember ever hearing her talk. It was a sweet voice. So contrasting to her looks with her short-cut hair and motorcycle leather. As if she had something to prove. I had always known her. But I found myself unable to recall any memories with her. Yet I found myself wanting to make some.

"Please do." I found myself grinning as I scooted over. My hand patted the seat next to me. It wasn't a command but almost a plea. As Mae sat down next to me, I could smell her leather clothes. She wore a heavy leather coat despite the warm weather. I was glad that I was a human for once because I could feel my canine tail wagging with glee. "Make sure you get something to eat. Ronan is paying." I looked over at him and started to laugh as his jaw hung open.

My heart melted as I heard Mae laugh at my not-so-funny joke. "I'll take care of myself, don't worry." She placed an order, and we quickly fell into a discussion. That was a perk of being in a pack. It was easy to know one another and to talk.

There were a million questions I wanted to ask. All of them were fighting for priority. What was she doing here? Why was she alone? Was she alone? Would she be at the meeting tonight? I had to derail my thoughts with logic. Of course, she would be there. If the alpha calls a meeting, then the pack is there. For the first time in a long time, I found myself excited to be at one of these way-too-formal meetings.

Ronan was too cool for his own good. While I was wrapped up in my own thoughts, he had already struck up a conversation. I should have been paying attention. And as I started to berate myself, I had to force myself to refocus before I spiraled again on a useless thought pattern.

"So yeah, he had brought in the bike today, so I'll be working on the paint job for the rest of the week. I'm really excited." Her voice reflected that excitement about her upcoming work.

"So you paint and work on the engines now?" I asked. It sounded blunt and dumb as the words spilled out of my mouth. I also didn't know enough about this girl, and I wasn't sure if I would ever get enough. I took a deep breath and scented her again. I wanted it burned into my nose forever.

Ronan to the rescue again. "Ava, I thought I told you about her new job." He hadn't. "Yeah, she no longer works at the theater. Sorry, Mae!" He apologized to the omega and covered for my lack of common sense and attention span.

She snickered at his words. "Oh, it's okay, really. She can't remember every detail. I'm sure you have so much on your plate right now, Ava, with your birthday next week and all." Her platter of food had arrived, and she dug right in.

I found myself groaning at the mention of my birthday, but she was right. I did have a lot on my plate. I took on a diplomatic voice by instinct. "That's very kind. Thank you." I was still confused by the conversation and embarrassed by my own lack of tact but forced myself to focus better.

"Anyway, he wants this wicked cool night sky with wolves howling. Oh, let me just show you the sketch!" She pulled a small black hardcover book out of her bag. I watched the way her hands held the book. It was as if it was her child. She flipped the pages, and I watched the cream paper flutter. Pencil strokes called my attention here and there. "Here it is!" She said as she turned the open sketch towards me.

I felt my palms sweat. It couldn't have meant anything, but it did. She picked me first. She showed me first. Heat flushed my face as I looked at the crisp lines on the page. It was beautiful. Some of the sketches remained on a lower layer, but the outline was perfect. The color on it was only flat color, but it showed off what she planned to do.

My eyes lingered on the page as if they would absorb the part of her heart that created this. I needed to know her better. "It's beautiful." My voice finally found its way past my lips as she moved the book to show Ronan.

You're beautiful. My brain whispered.

As Ronan handed the book back over, Mae caught a glimpse of her watch. "Oh crap, I have to get ready for tonight's meeting." She stuffed her sketchbook back into her bag. "I'm so sorry. I'll see you tonight?" Her eyes locked onto mine.

I didn't know which one of us she spoke to at that moment. And I didn't care, I was enthralled. My heart hammered against my chest, but excitement bubbled over as I formed an answer. "I'll see you there." I was gifted the most beautiful smile before she rushed off.

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