The girls' heads snapped to my direction as I walked out of the stall and their eyes widened in surprise, which was stupid if you asked me because obviously, they should've known that someone was in the restroom stall that had its door shut closed when they started gossiping.

I raised an eyebrow at their surprised looks and they looked away awkwardly, falling into an uncomfortable silence as I made my way out of the restroom.

I just knew that they'll just start buzzing like bees again the second the door shuts behind me. I just couldn't care less at that moment. I only knew that I needed to do one thing, and that was to find Kimmy. I needed to confirm the gossip I just heard, otherwise it'll just haunt my mind incessantly.

After roaming the school for a while, I finally found her outside, by the bleachers of the open field behind the school's building.

She was giggling along at something a football player had said. He was holding a football in his hands, throwing it back and forth between his hands as he spoke to her. I jogged up to them, calling out Kimmy's name.

Kimmy whipped around at the sound of my voice and lit up, waving me over. "Hey Em! You know Joey." Kimmy gestured towards the football player.

I looked at him and nodded slowly in acknowledgement. "Yeah, AP Biology right?"

He nodded in response.

I gave him a tight smile, "I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but do you think you can lend me Kimmy for a while?"

"Uh, yeah," Joey's eyes flitted to Kimmy before nodding. "Of course, sure."

"I'll see you around." He said to Kimmy, waving as he walked away.

Kimmy watched his back with a small smile for a few seconds before turning to look at me. "What's up?"

I drew in my bottom lip, biting it as I contemplated how I wanted to confront her about this. I didn't want to sound accusative. "I'm doing this to clarify things, not to accuse," I told myself as I looked at her silently.

"I heard some things about you but I didn't want to believe them unless I heard it directly from you so I guess I'm just here to get the truth. I'm not accusing you of anything, please keep that in mind. On the contrary, I'm actually hoping that you'd say that everything I heard was bullshit." I rambled in one breath, wringing my hands together nervously.

Kimmy gave me a funny look with a smile, her eyebrows drawn together to express her confusion but the ends of her lips lifted up slightly to show me that she's not angry or pissed.

"Hey, yeah, of course. Tell me what it is and we'll sort it out." Her hand reached out and touched, held, my elbow reassuringly. We've been such good friends for so long that she can see right through me now. She knows when I need reassurance and the telltale habits I have when I'm feeling distressed.

I'm sure that having known me so well, Kimmy wouldn't have purposely dragged me to the party with the knowledge that there was going to be illegal stuff going down in it.

I breathed deeply to stop myself from shaking. I'm so bad at confrontations, I don't know why I thought this was such a good idea. But, I mean, I guess I knew that it's the best way to avoid misunderstandings and it's worth all this nerves and anxiety if it means that I can avoid unnecessary conflict caused by misunderstandings and miscommunications.

"I was in the toilet and I overheard some girls gossiping and they said you knew about the drugs that were being distributed at the party." I watched her reaction while I told her this, trying to gauge whatever I can with my minimal observation skills.

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