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Hey there everyone. Nice to meet you guys. So I'm guessing that you all are curious as to who I am. Well, I bet you all 10 dollars each that if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. It's kind of insane really. Why is it insane you may ask? It's because my brothers are not exactly known for having a younger sister. Catching on yet? Ok, that's fine, I'll just give you another hint. My brothers names start with K, J, and N, and they are in a band. Come to any conclusions yet? If so, allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Sarah.....Sarah Lynn Jonas, and I am Kevin, Joe, and Nick's younger sister (Frankie's older sister). I'm currently 23 years old, and work as a Customer Care Representative for an Insurance Company in Irvington, NJ.  That's not my only occupation though. I'm currently finishing up my last semester in Business school. Yeah, guess you could say that I didn't exactly go into the family business, but I like my job and my life, and that's what really matters. Now onto the big question I'm sure you all are asking, what is this story going to be comprised of? Well, it's my story. There may be flashbacks to my childhood, and early days, but this story is going to primarily take place during present day, beginning with when my brothers got the band back together and we will go from there. Hope you all enjoy, and as always, stay safe out in this challenging world, and stay healthy.

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