chapter 2: black vs White. a battle of swordsman

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Huey Freeman and his family Riley Freeman and Robert Freeman were at the woodcrest Park that overlooks the entire city. Naruto had shown up like he said he would.

But what Huey Freeman didn't know about is who had trained naruto with a sword in the first place. In fact Huey Freeman knew next to nothing about naruto what so ever.

This gave Huey an uneasy feeling about the fight he had just issued but he wasn't going to let his brother Riley get beat without having some payback.

Riley then said.

"Yo be careful out there Huey. This kid is like some kinda ninja warrior or some shit like that!!!.

I asked around about him and there ain't nobody talking smack about this dude.

He must be the real deal. You know what I'm saying???. So just watch yourself out there ya heard???."

And Huey said.

" me a favor. Shut yo nigga mouth before I do it for you. I got this.
I know what I'm up against.

I know who might have trained him how to fight also. This won't be easy I know that much for certain."

And Riley's granddad said.

"What the hell Huey???. What's the big idea challenging this kid to a fight if you know what he's capable of??.

Y'all trying to get yourself killed or something like that because if you are... could I rent out your room if you die???. It would be a good way to make some cash."

And Huey said.

"Grandad...shut up before I do the same to you like I do to Riley on a daily basis.... he's here.

Whatever happens. No matter what you see here today. Speak nothing of it to anyone else or we are all in hot water."

And Robert said.

"Just what exactly is going on here Huey!!!. What the hell ain't you telling us that we should know about???.

You better start talking soon or I'm about to pull off my belt and whip it over your ass!!!."

And Huey said.

"If I told you grandad you wouldn't believe me. But let's just say that it's got to do with the last guy mom was with before she went back to rehab.

That guy from the military. Our stepdad. You know who I'm talking about right Riley???. The green Barret??."

And Riley said.

"Yeah I remember. That dude was hardcore strong on us when it came to teaching us how to fight for ourselves. A shame he died though."

And naruto who just showed up said.

"He didn't die Riley Freeman. Your stepfather was murdered for secrets about how the world truly work's.

He had a flashdrive with top secret information on corrupt government officials that he passed on to one of if not both of you. I would know.

I was assigned to protect those secrets from being stolen. But he somehow got past the security measures that were set in place by me personally.

I guess that was my first rookie mistake. Never underestimate the knowledge of a green Barret soldier."

And Huey said.

"If your trying to play mind games with us it isn't going to work. Maybe on my little brother over there but not me. I'm too smart to fall for any of those kinds of trick's of yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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