"Do you remember that officer you knew from the hospital?"

"Officer Ford? Yeah, what about him?" I heard talking in the background and I sighed.

"He came to the house and asked me some questions"

"About what?" I glanced at the folder and it was tempting to open it but I knew I would regret it.

"About March 17th... His partner was murdered and you're their main suspect" I opened up the folder quickly seeing the picture of the dismembered body.m feeling my heart drop to my ass.

Officer Ford
Main suspect: Gabriel King
Potential Charges: Drug Trafficking, Murder in the first and second degree...

I ran a hand through my hair stopping when the list of charges goes on to a paragraph.

"Gabriela I'm speaking to you" Gabriel said and I looked at the phone forgetting.

"Wait let me call you back" I said in the verge of tears and hung up the phone. I close my food container not feeling hungry anymore and I swipe up the reminder saying that I have a doctor's appointment later on, I picked up the folder and read more.

Officer Jarred was found on a hike path by a couple. His body was dismembered, spread all around the place. The couple said when they had came back earlier when they saw a dark haired man here jogging but he seemed to be looking around instead.

Note: Gabriel lives approximately half a mile away  from the hike path.

Examination: Body found with cigarette burns, cuts, bruises all over each body part, he seemed to have been alive when they cut-

"Oh my god" I shut it feeling queasy. I wiped my eyes and looked down seeing my phone ringing.

"What are you doing right now?" I picked up the phone out of breath and looked around making sure no one was around.


"You better have a good ass reason why you hung up on me" I looked around breathing in heavily not being able to catch my own breath.

"Did you do it?" I stared ahead of me, biting my lip.

"Do what?"

"Kill him! Did you fucking kill him?" I yelled without thinking not knowing what to even think about.

"Why would I fucking kill him Gabriela" He yelled back at me.

"You run the fucking mafia, you have your fucking reasons. How ironic is that he's the one who came to the hospital and now he's dead"

"Answer me honestly please... did you do it?" I said more calmly he would too.

"If so what are you going to do about it?" I breathed shockingly blinking away the tears.

"Did you kill him or not... Answer the motherfucking question Gabriel" I yelled into the phone hearing him breathing in heavily.

"You're not going to like the answer"

I stayed silent and just hung up the phone. I wiped my face and stood up from the sofa, going upstairs into his office. I barged into the room looking around for anything I can get my hands on. I went around his desk pulling out all drawers seeing a folder just like the one from downstairs. I took it out and placed it on the desk.

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