You have no sense in fashion

Start from the beginning

out of the shop and brought you to a designers shop and he then let  

you down. U-ow!!! As you looked at your arm it was red and you looked  

up at him as he was looking down at you. U-what are you trying to do  

to me, harass me? Or make me go to prison for stealing? You said.  

(---)-none of the above at all. U-then why did you? (---)-maybe you'll  

know for yourself. He finally took down his hoodie and took off his  

shades then you saw... >End<

Part 2:

(---)-maybe you'll know for yourself. He finally took down his hoodie  

and took off his shades then you saw... >Start of Story< U-your...  

(---)-yeah and please don't scream, the people here have certain  

security but I dot think they could go with 3 million screaming girls,  

the glass would die. U-I know, but why did you take me out there, I  

mean what's up with that? Justin-I don't want a pretty girl wearing  

uggs. U-cool, um how sure are you, I was going to buy those uggs?  

Justin-big time, I tell you the look on your face you were so going to  

buy it. You stared at his beautiful hazel eyes. U-fine, I did want to  

buy those until someone started dragging me out of the store. Justin- 

yeah well at least you didn't have to buy those hideous pair of uggs.  

U-okay I get your point but what's your problem with uggs? Justin- 

mmmhhh so your not a crazy fan on the making then. U-crazy? Justin- 

obssesed is another word. U-oh cool no I'm not like that I'm not that  

crazy about you. Justin-cool so you mustn't know that I hate uggs too  

much to know. U-um actually no, I've never liked reading stalker  

facts. Justin-cool then so um, to say for my sorry a while a go, would  

you want to have dinner with me? U-um... >End<

Part 3:

  Justin-cool then so um, to say for my sorry a while a go, would you  

want to have dinner with me? U-um... >Start of Story< Justin-please?  

He asked again. You the see your mom outside going through the crowd.  

Justin-so? U-um I have to go now. You said as you ran thorugh the door  

then you went out ask grabbed your mom's hand a you went to the parking  

lot. Mom-honey why are you in such a hurry? U-because well... You  

couldn't just say "oh because Justin Bieber just asked me out and I  

don't know if I should say yes or no." You just looked down and  

smiled. Mom-honey, you wanna go in now? She asked as she was in the car  

just opening the window on your side. U-yeah. You then hopped in the  

car and your mom started driving. When you arrive your house, you went  

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