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Everyone was gathered at Trisha's place, laughing, smiling, and having a good time.

Zayn and Harrie were almost frighten to ruin the mood.

They didn't exactly know how the family would react to this pregnancy but they knew their would be mixed emotions.

Trisha and Anne are the ones that noticed the couple were silent

"What are you two so quiet for?"

Zayn and Harrie look up before smiling at one another.

"We're just enjoying you guys."

"Alright, what's up with you two?"

"What do you mean?"

"Usually when you two are in your own little world something is up."

"Exactly! Last time it was marriage. This time it's probably-" Trisha soon gets silent before gasping.

Harrie knew she figured it out.

Anne soon gives the same look at Trisha before they both start to smile and cry.

"Oh, my babies." Trisha goes to hug Zayn.

"Are you okay with this mom?" Zayn asked.

"Okay? I'm fucking happy!"

"What's this about honey?" Yaser asked confused.

After a while everyone already knew what was possibly happening.

"So does this make me an Uncle?" Louis just blurts our.

Yaser soon gasps.

Harrie nods before everyone cheers.

"Congratulations!" Ariana goes to hug them before Bella and Sofia follows along.

"Thank you guys. We're really excited about it!"

"When are you due?"


"We're so happy for you princess." Wes smiles at his daughter and son-in-law.

"Thanks daddy."

"I can't believe I'm a first time grandma." Trisha smiles happily.

"You're gonna love it." Anne states.

Zayn and Harrie look at each other and smile brightly.

They couldn't believe that this went well.

No ones angry or storming out.

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