Before I could move out of the way, the person pushed me hard, getting me to fall to the ground. My breathing became faster as I tried to get up, but the person just grabbed my by my hair and tugged on it. I could feel every inch of the pain as my hair was being pulled, and taking me by my hair, the person slammed my face to the ground, before pressing their foot right on top of my head. I tried to steady my breathing, but didn't dare look up at the person. Instead, I asked the question that was on my mind. "Who the hell are you?!"

The person was wearing a black cloak with a black mask covering the face. Still, I could see a hint of blue hair. The person then removed their foot off of my head and took a step back. Even though there was a mask covering the face, I could still sense a smirk on it. I backed away from the person, and my eyes instantly flew even wider when I saw the hand going over to the mask. I watched as the mask was being taken off, and each second it took was each second my heart beat even faster. Finally the mask was being taken off, and the same bluebell eyes were staring back at me. My breath hitched as I froze in shock.

It was me.

My eyes immediately flung opened as I bolted up from my bed. I looked around to see where I was, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I realized I was in my own bedroom, laying on my own bed. I placed a hand over my forehead as I made my way out of bed. What was that? Even better question: who was that? Yes, she looked like me, but she couldn't have actually been me, could she? I was able to see her face before I woke up from the nightmare. Her face was the same shape as me, same eyes, same nose, but she was wearing black lipstick over her lips. Still, her lips were just the same as mine. It was like staring into a mirror and seeing. . .this bad side of me. It was as if that girl had been the evil side of myself.

I gasped as some theories started coming inside my mind. What if I was right? What if that girl was me somehow, but this time just the evil side of me? Maybe she lived inside of me and only took over my body whenever she wanted to do evil. I sat myself down on a chair, getting out my notebook and pen to write all my theories down so I wouldn't miss anything.



King Andre
Queen Audrey

Maman & Papa
Butler Romain


Otis & Marlena


Madame Camille
Clara Nightingale
Unknown girl

(My) Powers:

Able to see hidden messages in notes,
Able to go into past and see what's already happened to other people

(Her) Powers:

Able to mimic someone else's voice perfectly,
Can write in any handwriting,
(Maybe) Can possess anyone


(Madame Camille Theory 1) "Madame Camille mentioned that she met up with a girl, but couldn't see her face as it was covered. The girl apparently told Madame Camille to kill Queen Audrey or else her family died. It may not make too much sense, but Madame Camille could be working for the girl. Maybe whenever the girl wants the woman to kill someone else, she would threaten her with something each time. Perhaps, the girl visits her every once in a while. Maybe Madame Camille doesn't want this at all, or maybe she enjoys killing people, but either way, she could have been working together with the girl.

(Madame Camille Theory 2) "The woman mentioned that she wasn't herself when she attacked me. Perhaps the girl she met up with keeps possessing her whenever she needs her to do evil. Maybe Madame Camille killed my parents and Romain, but had no idea because she was being possessed by this evil girl."

(Theory 3) "Clara is being mentioned by King Andre, and although I don't know much about her, she could be an important person to King Andre, but she was most definitely the last person to see the king before he got into the accident. Maybe King Andre and her had some kind of past, which resulted in her hatred for him, enough to murder him. Maybe when King Andre described her on the paper, he was actually trying to give us a hint of who it could have been that killed him."

I sighed as I pushed my chair back, thinking. My mind seemed to have been somewhere else, the only thing popping up in my imagination being the unknown girl I'd met in my nightmare, because I didn't hear the knocks on my door until after a few seconds. I whirled around on my chair, before I stood up and walked over to the door. Grabbing the knob, I pulled it opened, just to see it was Adrien on the other side. It was so early in the morning, so seeing Adrien here confused me. Nevertheless, I let him in anyway, closing the door after he walked inside. I turned around to face him. "Uh, are you okay? Did something happen?"

"No, I. . .um. . ." Adrien scratched the back of his head, which was enough to show me that something must have happened, making him look bothered so much. "I. . .was just checking up on you. That's all."

I grabbed my phone, turning it on. "At 4 A.M?" I frowned at him. "Why would you want to check up on me at this time. You should be getting your beauty sleep. You know, as a famous model and all, it's important that you get your sleep because you always have a tight schedule. Your schedule planning has become even more harder and longer as you grow." I folded my arms as I gave him a stern look. Whenever Adrien had a lot of time to sleep, he always seized that moment and got enough sleep as possible. Today should have been one of those times, after all, his rough schedule started at 6 A.M.

Not that I am a stalker as I used to be before in high school. Later on, after doing all that, I admitted to myself that I was being immature, stalkerish, and had a lower chance of even getting Adrien to like me, so I took his schedule and all the photos of him down off my wall. Later on, as days passed, the schedule for him was changed more and more so I had no idea where he was at times, which was now a good thing, because looking back at it, I still cringe just remembering how obsessed I'd been.

Adrien had told me before that today, he'd start at 6 A.M, and hopefully, if he was lucky, he'd finish off in the afternoon. Because he's a grown adult now, Adrien is no longer being controlled by his father. Actually, all that controlling stopped when Adrien finally turned 18 and stood his ground. He had continued to work as what his father had wanted him to work as, which he later on admitted that it wasn't too bad, but his father was not allowed to act as controlling as he used to. The two of them barely saw each other now from what I knew. Nathalie, a woman who had been his father's personal assistant, and Adrien still kept in touch, but it rarely ever happened.

"Well, I. . ." Adrien looked around again, and that was when I noticed the worry on his face starting to grow. He then finally turned back at me, letting out a defeated sigh. "I don't know if it was a nightmare, or just my mind tricking me, or if it was actually real, but. . . when I walked inside my room, there was suddenly this person sitting on the floor of my room. Telling from the voice, she sounded like a female. She. . .sounded like you. She started talking about how you were in danger and things like that, so after getting that message from her, I immediately rushed here just to make sure."

I froze for a few seconds just by hearing that. She. . .sounded like you. For some reason, that was the scariest part of his whole paragraph. I cleared my throat, trying not to let my fear get the better of me now. "Uh, Adrien. . . I know this might sound weird, but. . ." I took out my hand towards him. "May I touch your arm?"

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